Morning Sickness

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My head is pounding.
Like a set of drums is smashing though the loudest speakers in the world as the largest drill digs into the pavement aka my brain.
I'm half asleep and the bitter taste in my mouth is the only thing keeping me awake, having to suffer the consciousness of the headache. There's a warm breath hitting my exposed shoulder and a hand wrapped around my waist. Two long legs are tangled with mine. This reminds me of when Bambam would sleep over.
But we broke up.
Who's arms am I in?
I want to open my eyes and turn to move but I'm too lazy. This position is so comfortable, I never want to get up. Who's my mystery cuddle buddy though? I'll have to invite them over more often.
The hands tighten around my waist and a giggle opens my ears up. There's a click: isn't that the sound a camera makes?
The owner of the hand raised it as the warmth disappeared from the area of my waist. It returned in a matter of seconds, the blanket pulled up further and a deep grunt coming from behind me.
Where am I?
The last thing I remember is a water fight, but where? It wasn't our house since I'd be in my own room. Shutting my eyes tight I try to think of last night and the events. A lightbulb goes off in my mind.
Yugyeoms sleepover! That's right. We arrived here and then went straight to the pool, after we began drinking and well, my loss of memory speaks for itself.
I relax my body once more, now knowing why I'm here. This still doesn't answer who my cuddle buddy is and why he's so comfortable. To answer this question I need to physically turn around. Am I really up for that?
Sighing, I turn slowly, more like shuffle to face the mystery figure and peels my eyes open. Right there in front of me lays a tired Taehyung. His cheeks are pink and his lips swollen. I winder what kissing him feels like.
"Good morning, babe." My cheeks turn the deepest shade of red, I'm sure if it. That babe was highly unnecessary and mixed with his deep voice, I guess death is inevitable.
As an instinct my body cuddles into him even more earning a giggle from the gorgeous boy. He wraps his arms tighter around my figure and I just want to stay like this for the rest of the day. As if reading my mind Tae speaks up,
"I wish we could just lie like this all day. I'm too lazy to get up." I nod my head in agreement and he chuckles once more.
"Sleepy heads, get up! You need breakfast!" Taehyung jerks into me and I assume Hoseok kicked him slightly to get him up. Tae groans and the moment he relaxed his grip on me, that horrid feeling takes over my body. I'm reminded of the alcohol and the pounding inside my head. Oh boy, here comes the sickness.
I stand from the floor at the speed of light and run to the nearest bathroom, shoving Andy and Yoongi from my way. I'm too busy trying to get to the bathroom to notice Tae running after me. Once at the toilet I let it all out.
Someone holds my hair from behind and as they begins to whisper words to calm me down, I recognise Tae's voice.
"Do you want me to help?" Says Andy.
"No, it's ok, I've got her." My eyes turn to look at the doorway where Andy smiles at me then at Tae. She nods her head and moves away. Who's the boy with pink hair walking behind her?
My thoughts are cut off by more sickness raising up through my body. I swear, I'm never drinking again.

Once I got all cleaned up and changed I went back downstairs to find only about half of the people in the kitchen, Bambam included.
"Feeing better?" Bambam moves forward and hands me a painkiller and glass of water. I nod my head and smile.
"Yeah. Thank you." I gesture to the things in my hand and he smiles. Wasn't he acting weird yesterday? No, that must have been a dream. He moves out of the kitchen and I see Andy talking to the pink haired boy. I don't remember anyone having pink hair.
"It's going to wash out, don't worry." Andy was laughing so hard I just had to intervene in the conversation.
"What happened?" The boy turns to face me and I recognise him immediately. "Jimin, your hair..." his cheeks turn red and he looks away.
Andy laughs even harder and he sends her a glare.
"What happened is Jimin woke up with pink hair instead of orange and he doesn't remember what happened. No one does. The only one sober was Lisa and she refuses to speak. Plus she went and got high before pink happened here." Andy laughs again and Jimin hits her playfully. I try to hold in my giggle but they escape me.
"Awk, Jimin. Is it permanent?"
He looks relieved at this.
"No, we found the box for it in the bathroom and it's temporary, should be gone in like two weeks. Hopefully." He stares at Andy and glares at her.
"Why are you glaring at Andy?" She laughs even more and his eyes intensify. She lifts her palms towards me and I notice the pink stains on her fingertips.
"She dyed it..." he growls. Andy's laugh is terrifyingly loud. She play punches him throwing a lighten up Jimin. He seems to take her words well and smiles a little. She apologised once more before saying something that catches my attention.
"At least you're not Namjoon." They both start laughing at this.
"What's with Namjoon?" How much have I missed?
"Well, we all woke up weird today. Jimin with pink hair, Yugyeom with girly make up on, Taehyung and you cuddling." I blush at her statement. "But Namjoon, Namjoon is on another level." She begins to snicker. "You have to see him yourself." They both begin laughing once more. I huff and make my way out of the kitchen, not forgetting to grab a cup of coffee before I leave. When I reach the living room of the house I surprise myself. I remember the way.
I look around to see a sleeping Yoongi and a bored Val.
"Morning..." she peeks up from her spot beside the fire place and up from her phone. I return the reply and ask her where the rest of the people are.
"Andy, you, Maria and Bohee are the last girls left. With me obviously. Then the boys, they're all still here I think." She nods her head and returns to her phone.
"Do you remember anything?" She looks back up at me wide eyed.
"Nope!" She pops the p and I chuckle at her answer. How drunk was everyone?
Before I lose her attention, I ask her one more thing "Where's Namjoon?" She immediately begins to laughs causing the blue haired boy to wake up.
"Aish, be quiet." He stares at the two of us through hooded eyes.
"Sorry, it's just that Gigi asked about Namjoon." At that Yoongi chuckles.
"He's in Yugyeoms room, probably still dead." I thank the boy for the information and make my way upstairs trying to remember where Yugyeom said his room is.
As I search the corridors there's a loud scream followed by a laugh. That's Tae's laughter. I followed it, running down the hallways coming to an open door and holding on to the rim of it for support. Man I shouldn't have ran.
I push Tae a little to the side and peek into the room only to start laughing harder than ever.
There, in the room, passed out was Namjoon. He was wearing a sailor moon outfit and wig, his legs shaved and marker strokes covering his whole body like tattoos. He had make up on and his eyebrow seemed to have been shaved to form a cut like stroke.
I had to hold on to Tae for support. This is absolutely hilarious. Tae takes out his phone and I follow his actions snapping a photo of the boy on the floor. Jin enters the room and pushes us a little to get to his friend.
"He looks hilarious, doesn't he?" We both nod and I realise I'm still holding on to Tae's arm. I move my hands away only to have him take me into a hug.
"He won't be happy when he wakes up." Tae states matter of factly and on cue Namjoon eyes snap open. He stands far too quickly moving his hand to his head and groaning.
"Fuck, I feel like absolute shit."
"You look like absolute shit." Jin covers his mouth so quickly causing Namjoon to stand up. He cautiously walks to the mirror and screams at his own reflection. Tae and I just laugh, both of us falling to the floor holding our bellies. The sounds he is making are not human like and the more he stares the more he produces. He turns to view himself at 360* and his face cringes at every angle.
He leans into the mirror to observe his face, full of drawings of dicks and vulgar expressions. His hands where covered with what I presume where inside jokes and that's when I notice something. That's my writing.
I get up from the floor and inspect the mark made saying IQ148? More like Dumb148
I mentally slap myself at the cringe and apologise to Namjoon. He brushes it off and continues to stare at himself.
"Who let me get like this?" He turns around to all of us. Jin and I shake our heads at lightning speed.
"Not me bro, and anyway, everyone woke up weird. No one remembers a thing." Tae comes closer to me and giggles when his eyes trail over Namjoon's hands.
"Tae, you rarely drink, you must remember something..." he looks like he's pleading for an explanation. I look up at a Tae. Maybe he knows why we were cuddling when we woke up. Or what else might have happened.
"Sorry, Joon-" he puts his hand on Namjoons shoulder "not this time. My memory is as foggy as ever and I don't think it'll clear up. Thank this one for it!" He nudges me and I look at him shocked.
"Ya! How is it my fault?"
"If there's one thing I remember, Gigi, it's that you and Jimin kept shoving alcohol in everyone's hands as well as your own." Namjoon chuckles and Tae nods agreeing with him.
"Yeah, I kinda remember that too. We had to many shots." He chuckles "way too many."

"Right, I have to go drop the girls home and then stop by the studio to grab somethings. Gigi," Andy's voice brings me back to reality. I hm in response. "We have to go!" A pout forms on my lips and Tae's hands squeezes mine.
"But I want to stay a little longer..." she rolls her eyes at me as she picks up her bags.
"I can drive her." Jimin speaks up. Andy stops in her tracks and stares at the boy.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's just down the road from Tae's house anyway." He flashes a smile and Andy complied with him in an instant. That's new.
"Ok, well, I'll see you home then." She goes into the kitchen, I presume, calling for Yugyeom. I can hear her thank him and then the footsteps return to the main room. She waves once more, the girls already in the car.
"Hobi? You coming?" The boy jumps from his seat and grabs his bag heading out after Andy. I notice Jimin watching them closely. Are those two the boys Andy was talking about?
Tae shakes my shoulders a little and I look at his body smile.
"Yes, Tae?" I ask.
"Do you want to play Mario Karting with Jin and I?" I nod my head so fast my headache threatens to return. I grab the remote and sit crossed leg in the floor.
"We're leaving in about an hour alright guys?" Jimin comes back in the room with leftover pizza. When did we order pizza? I take a slice and after a few seconds I realise I never thanked Jimin for offering to take me home.
"Jimin-" he turns to look at me, his pink fringe covering his face. "Thank you, for taking me home." He smiles replying with a no worries allowing me to return to the game.

Jin was good. Too good. He knew all the secret hacks and always got first place no matter how hard Tae and I tried to overrule him. We were the last ones left, with Jimin and Yugyeom of course. All of us took turns in trying to defeat Jin, but it was all in vein. Tae and I cheered for Yugyeom when he nearly, nearly beat him. Only to fall into a ditch right before the end of the game. Jin laughed maliciously.
It was suddenly time to leave and I bid my farewell to Yugyeoms. I'm glad I've began talking to him this year because until now we never really communicated. He's a really nice guy, and this little group of friends is fun.
We get into Jimin's car and settle in for a drive.
"Right, anyone want a Starbucks before we get home?" I raise my hand promptly casing the two boys to chuckle. Jimin turned the radio on and began the journey to the coffee shop.
We went though the drive through section, it being much easier than having to physically go into the shop.
When Jimin asked us what we wanted, both Tae and I said the exact same thing at the exact same time causing us to stop and stare at each other. It appears that Caramel Machiatto is his favourite in the menu too.
When Jimin dropped me off, Tae offered to help me with my bags and I let him. No one was home so I unlocked the door and Tae followed me to my room.
"Thanks." He puts the bags down and walks over to me putting a piece of hair behind my ear.
"No problem." We stay close. We don't move. I don't want to move. He's here and I could take this opportunity and steal a kiss, but I can't. What if he doesn't feel the same. Instead, i smile towards him and break the eye contact. He breaths in and moves back a little.
"I think I'm gonna go now." He gestures for the door and I nod my head. There's an awkward moment when neither of us does anything, but he moves forwards taking me in for a hug. I embrace him too and feel his grip tighten. If only this could last longer.

I hold her close to me in the hug. I don't want to let her go. She's so small and precious to me. I wish that I could only tell her. This would be the prefect opportunity to make my move, ask her out, even kiss her. But it's too soon. What if she doesn't feel the same?
So I settle with her warmth in my arms and take in as much as I can. Soon. I'll ask her soon.
We both let go and she smiles at me once more before I leave her house. Jimin is waiting for me outside and we start the drive to my house. When I get home I lie on the bed, not bothered to unpack my bags. My mind is on Gigi. Soon. I'll ask her soon.
I keep saying that phrase in my head and the more I think about it the more I smile. This girl will be mine to hold. One day, soon.

Hi guys, I hope you like the story so far and thank you for reading and voting! It means so much to me o see people enjoying what I do.
Anyway, the reason for this authors note is to let you know that I've decided to do double updates, almost every week.
One will be on Saturday, like usual - and then there will be a surprise uodate during the week.
Today is the first surprise update so
I hope everyone is having a good day and please eat and stay healthy!
Look forward to the next chapter :))

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