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Arjun's pov

"His name is Kabir Roy." Raghav told me as I asked him to tell me the name of the person I was going to meet.

"He is a very well known businessman of Shimla." He said again but I didn't reply.

I didn't care. I was just doing my work. Yess work!! I had to kept myself busy otherwise I'd go mad by thinking about her.

One year had passed away. And she was still missing. I tried my best to find her but couldn't. Well, she was a culprit in eyes of law. But I, I really couldn't believe this.

It hurts because she was not with me. I know I didn't spend much time with her but in that short time she had affected me, she had affected my heart very much.

I just hoped she came from somewhere and than remain always with me.

Why? I have no idea.

"Hy Mr. Raichand. I've heard a lot about you and finally I got a chance to meet you." Kabir said as I took my seat in the coffee shop where I was getting a strange feeling.

I really didn't want to go to his office for a meeting. I knew it that he was a very experienced person and he'll easily got this contract so I didn't want to waste too much time.

I noticed he was continuously looking at the entrance like he was waiting for someone.
"Whom you are waiting for?" I asked and he looked at me immediately.

"Actually one of my employee. She has some files regarding this contract. So.... there she is. Naina." He said and stood up.

I turned around and was shocked to see her. I looked at Raghav to see his reaction and he looked at me shockingly too. And I was sure that I was not dreaming.

I quickly looked at the direction I saw her, but she was not there. A girl came and gave some files to Kabir.

"Thanks. You can go now." Kabir said to her and she went away.

But where is she?

"Where is Naina?" I turned and asked Kabir.

"Naina.. that girl who gave me these files was Naina. But why are you asking?" He said but I was sure he was lying. He was confused while taking files from that girl. And I saw that he was also looking at Naina when he took her name and now he was lying.

Something was wrong?

My heart was saying that Naina was there around me but where?

I started searching for her but she was nowhere. I went outside the caffe and Raghav and Kabir followed me.

"Mr. Raichand what happened?" Kabir asked and I angrily caught him by his collar.

"Where is Naina? I know that you know her. Dammmit.. tell me fast." I said. My eyes were filled with anger now.

"Mr. Raichand you are wasting time. I think we should finish our meeting first." He said totally changing the topic.

"No, nothing is important to me right now except her." I said and went from there.

"I think we should meet sometime again." Raghav told Kabir and followed me to the parking lot.

"You know that I am not lying Raghav. She was Naina." I said to Raghav.

"I know Arjun. I saw her too. But why is she hiding from you?" He said and then this thought came to my mind.

"I think she fears that I'll tell police about her and I too think that she is a murderer. Nooo....Dammnn she doesn't trust me." I kicked my car in anger.

"Don't worry Arjun. Soon she will be in front of you, than you can ask her." Raghav told me while opening the door of car.

I sat in the car too and started the car thinking that Raghav was right. He would definitely found her and then I could meet her.

Oh god!! How badly I wanted to tell her that she need not to fear me. I wanted to tell her that I trusted her. I wanted to know what had happened that night so that I could prove her innocent.

I really wanted her to know that How hard I tried to find her.

And how much I missed her?


So guys what do you think what will happen next?

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