CHAPTER 2: Missed calls

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At the Odaiba airport, the entire group of Daisuke, Miyako, Ken and Iori, had organized a trip for the summer holidays with Miyako's family, they wanted everyone else to be there, but everyone had their own, they also wanted to say goodbye of all, but for some reason not everyone answered their calls.

Before getting on the plane, there were several scandals of people who saw through the windows or was outside, so they went out to find out what was happening and everyone was very shocked to see the snow fall.

Ken: See? I told them it was true

Iori: Snow?

Miyako: In summer?

Daisuke: Do not you think he got really cold too fast? - He said as he hugged himself

Iori: What do you think happens? Will it be normal?

Daisuke: In some countries, the weather is weird

Ken: But it can not snow like this out of nowhere

Iori: Do you think maybe we should cancel the trip

Miyako: Come on, it's falling very little, we have a long trip to do, if something happened, the others would tell us

Daisuke: That may be true, we better go before they say to cancel the flights

- Here first degree inspecting, Kayano, the boys continue their course, there is no change


Takeru: Snow? -He said as he watched the snow fall from his balcony.- Why does it fall like that all of a sudden? Achuu !! And it's perfect for how I feel, -he said depressed as he walked towards the house phone

I marked Hikari so I could talk to her, no matter how many times I talked to her, I always started with a sorry for having insisted so much on going out together on a date a week ago.

I wait for her cell phone to answer, but she does not take the call, then I dial her department number and no one answered.

Takeru: Will they have left? I know that Yamato was going to go out with Taichi-san to Sora-san's new job, but he's not with him. -He said confused.

Then I mark Taichi's cell phone, but he did not respond either.

Takeru: Do not do this to me guys, I said I felt it hundreds of times- He said something worried, then he dialed Hikari's cell number, he was waiting, but when he was about to cut the call, she answered-Hikari-chan , Hello

Hikari: Ta ... Take ...

The call was listened to with a lot of static, you could not hear anything.

Takeru: Hikari-chan? Can you hear me?

Hikari: I can not ... Take ...? Go...

Takeru: Hikari-chan? Hello?

He worried a little since the noise of the static was very scandalous.

Takeru: This had happened before when I spoke to my brother, but now it is worse. He said more to himself. -Can you hear me Hikari-chan? I hardly hear you

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