CHAPTER 16: We still can not go back

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A snow storm was generated around Matadormon while it was spinning on its own axis and instead of pushing them all with the impulse, it caused them to attract them, but only to Taichi and Mimi.

Mimi: What ?!

Taichi: No! Guys!

Yamato: Taichi! Mimi!

Koushiro: He's taking them

At the same time that Taichi and Mimi resisted Matadormon's drag, he tried to drag Hikari and Joe, but AlturKabuterimon resisted the impulse that it caused and tried to protect them.

Koushiro: AlturKabuterimon, Resist!

AtlurKabuterimon: Yes!

Yamato: MetalGarurumon!

MetalGarurumon went to Matadormon to attack him and stop the power he generated in all directions, but noting that he was approaching to stop him, Matadormon threw hundreds of knives straight at MetalGarurumon and hurt him severely while they were going through his body and causing him to return to Tsunomon .

Yamato: Tsunomon!

That storm that was generated when trying to separate Taichi and Mimi from the others so that they left, caused him to feel throughout the area.

Meanwhile, Gokuwmon and Tactimon jumped through the branches of the trees.

Gokuwmon: This ...

Tactimon: The idiot Matadormon ...

Gokuwmon: Yes, I already despair. Let them go

Where Sora and Takeru, the same thing happened, you could see the momentum that Matadormon generated. Snow rose from their feet and formed around their bodies.

Sora: What is this?

Takeru: What's happening?

Palmon: It's ... It's the same thing that happened when those digimon disappeared

Tailmon: It's true, that's how they went

Sora: Then we ...

Koushiro: Guys!

Mimi: No! - She screamed desperately trying to resist

Taichi held Mimi's hand so he would not take her, both tried to resist the current that Matadormon placed on them, but it was almost impossible.

Taichi: I can not resist!

Yamato: Damn! Do not take them again! - He shouted angrily as he tried to reach Taichi's hand to save him and was able to hold him in time - Taichi!

Taichi: Yamato!

Koushiro took Yamato's hand to help him and not to be dragged by power.

AtlurKabuterimon did the same with Koushiro, but for a moment, his body was surrounded by a small snow storm that rose from his feet.

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