Soon it was the next day. I woke up so late Erin had already left. I cried in my cotton soft pillows. I heard a soft twist on the knob are you okay? Tazmere asked. I don't have time for trouble. No I wanna say I'm sorry things just got out of hand. See he started beating me to see this scar by my ear and on the back of my neck? Anyway I'm moving out tomorrow I hope you have a beautiful life. And ever lasting love. As Tazmere walked out of the room I opened my mouth as though I would talk. But I didn't. I picked up my iPhone 5s and called Erin. Hey listen I'm moving out. I packed my bags and three them put of the window. And i climbed right after. Taresea! Roshad call as he put his hand on the knob. I didn't answer. He saw that the room was empty and I wasn't there. Soon Erin finally came and we drove to his house. As we stepped inside we saw a maid. This is my Spanish maid. Rozéta. And this is my friend. Taresea. Hi. Hola. We went upstairs. In his bedroom. He grabbed me and started kissing my neck. Please! Can everything not be about pur sex life. Sorry. I need to go cool off. I went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and pulled back my hair I saw the red spot where Roshad hit me in the face. I saw a tear roll down my face as I looked in the mirror. I didn't wipe that tear and I ran in Erin room. Baby! He hurt me. I cried on his chest. Its okay. No its not. Now when he goes back to jail, he gonna think I'm wrong. I laid on his bed and went back to the way my dad would hold me and my sisters down and rape us. But I never told anyone. I kissed Erin. Then he slipped my clothes off and I did too. Okay I said as I rolled over. I think I should go to my room. I went to the room. Right next to him but suddenly we heard a knock at the door I had a feeling it was Roshad. Erin went to get the door. He opened it while I stud on the third floor. Hey! Hey! So have you seen that girl Taresea? Hell nah bruh. Don't you think I would've told you? Well yeah. Hey if you see her tell me so I can stop the malones from looking for her. Alright. Erin closed the door. As Roshad was getting in his Mustang. I screamed. Um... Don't panic. Malones only come if they know where you are. Okay. So you're saying I have to stay at the house all day? Yep! Then I went and cried on the white fluffy sofa. Soon I started dinner. Babe I'll be right back. Where you going? To my gang Fianna pick up a couple of stacks. Love you. He said as he kissed me and walked out of the door. I felt lonely inside. Soon dinner was ready. Erin still wasn't home. After I ate dinner I started emotionally eating. Soon I went and got in his bed. I heard the door close. And I looked at my phone it was12:56. I heard him get a plate and eat and come upstairs. Baby I'm home. Its pretty late for you to be coming back if you just needed some stacks. Yeah well I got a good amount. How much? 27.3k. That is a good amount. Well goodnight and love you.

Always A Thugs Worst
Teen FictionTaresea is a porn star with her boyfriend and Eric and he hurts her inside. One day she tells him she doesn't what to do it anymore. Then she met a man named Roshad he made her feel like she was the only one in the world. Read, Vote, And comment tel...