Me and Erin loved our baby her name is Ereisha. I put Ereisha's pacifier in her mouth because she kept spitting. Erin held her in his arms for the first time. Me and Erin had a great relationship. Then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it. It was Eric surprisingly. I'm so sorry. I heard about your labor. Well thanks. Who the fuck is that. Erin screamed. That's my ex apologizing. I closed the door on him. And pulled Erin to the side. Don't let the baby hear that language.
She was sleep when I went into her room. I had to loose that baby fat because that was nasty. How it dangled and stuff. I loved my baby and my boyfriend. My birthday was coming on Friday I hoped Erin remembered. Today was Wednesday. I gave Ereisha her bottle and she sucked. I went into the room and Erin was watching E.S.P.N. Babe I'm going to the store I'm coming back. I walked outside. I went and got pamper then I got sow in's. I came back pretty late but he didn't care.
He had already put her to sleep. He also fell asleep himself. I love you I said rubbing my head against his naked chest.
Later on that night I heard the keys jingle and he was out me and Ereisha was the only ones in the house.
Earlier the other morning he came back.
He took a bath and I went into the bathroom and looked in his pockets he had a couple grand to last us. I said unsatisfied but I guess I a lot. I walked out of the bathroom and I heard Ereisha crying. It was unusual that she didn't do it at night like other babies.
I went to her room and she had a smelly, smelly, smelly diaper. I had a text that said let's have dialogue.
Gianni: Hey sis let's have dialogue.
Taresea: Hey and I can't me and Erin taking care of the baby ttyl.
I put Ereisha on the changing table and I put a new diaper on her after I wiped her. Taresea! Come here. Do you know I love you? Of course. Well I wanna spend my life with you I hope you feel like I do. Of course I do. He kissed me then I left to go fulfil Ereisha's needs.

Always A Thugs Worst
Fiksi RemajaTaresea is a porn star with her boyfriend and Eric and he hurts her inside. One day she tells him she doesn't what to do it anymore. Then she met a man named Roshad he made her feel like she was the only one in the world. Read, Vote, And comment tel...