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Kaneki and I sat on top of a building just above the alleyway I had almost died in just minutes before, our legs dangling over the edge.

I swung my feet, but Kaneki's stayed still.

We stared at the bodies on the concrete, bloody and mangled. Any ordinary person would be horrified by the sight, but murder was just the harsh reality for a ghoul. It was a terrible sin, but it was also how we survived.

As a ghoul, this was the first lesson you learned.

Learn to live with the bloodshed, or die.

"How did you find me out here?" I asked quietly, still not quite sure how to thank him.

"My assignment was nearby. I could smell your scent."


I sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to say. I was never good with people. Especially not kind-of-handsome white-haired super strong ghouls.

"That's the second time I've saved your life," Kaneki said, attempting to joke.

I chuckled quietly. "I guess it is"

"Hows your wound?"

I looked down at my chest that was no longer bleeding heavily.



More silence.

I took a breath. "Listen, Kaneki-"

"Your kagune is beautiful by the way" the snowy-haired boy interrupted me.

"Really?" I blushed, thankful that the darkness of the misty night was hiding my face.

"Yeah," he said, staring into the night. "I've never seen a completely black kagune before. It's like your hair"

I smiled. "I suppose it is"

"I'm sorry for leaving without telling you the other day" Kaneki sighed.

"And I'm sorry for going through your things" I admitted. "I can't believe you're the eyepatch though. That's so badass"

"First time I've heard that one" he chuckled.

My breath hitched in my throat as I thought back to what had happened a few minutes ago. "I really thought I was done for there for a second, you know? I think I might have really died if you didn't come after me"

Kaneki looked at me briefly, there was something that looked almost like worry in his eyes. I was shocked when a strong hand reached over my shoulder and pulled me sideways.

I inhaled slowly as my head nestled into Kaneki's chest.

His scent was nice, he smelled like home. Not that I ever had a home, but if I did have one, I think this is what it would have smelled like.

The white-haired boy kissed the top of my head and I blushed furiously, thankful that he couldn't see my face.

"Next time you want to eat, let's go out together hm?" he said softly.

I just nodded, embracing the feeling of being hugged.

The sound of Kaneki's steady heartbeat pulsed through my body as I watched Tokyo from up high. I'd spent my whole life staring down at the city like this, wishing my circumstances had been different, wishing I could have been human. I used to watch students and businessmen come and go without a care in the world, and jealousy would consume me.

But for once in my life, I watched the people beneath me and did not want to switch places with them. Within the space of a few days my life had been saved twice, I had found myself a home and I had made a friend. A real friend.

If my parents were looking down on me at that moment, I think they'd have been smiling.


Kaneki and I walked through HQ together side by side. People stared, wondering what we were doing together I guess. We even strolled past my new friend Riko, who's jaw seemed to drop at the sight of me with someone else, or maybe it was because I was with Kaneki? He seemed to have a reputation after all.

Eventually, the snowy-haired boy lead me to a large underground space which seemed to be mostly empty apart from a few old cars that were so old and rusty I could hardly tell what they were. The space may have been a parking lot, once upon a time.

"Why are we here?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"I figured I'd give you some training whilst we have some time on our hands" Kaneki smiled.

I looked at him for a second curiously. Although I liked to think I knew a fair amount about Kaneki, most of the time he was smiling, but sometimes his eyes would go blank and he would faze out like a completely different person. Back when he saved me from the CCG, he was merciless and unforgiving, but in front of me, he was kind and friendly? I began to realize that although I had seen a few pictures of his past in his room, the rest remained a complete mystery. He never spoke about himself. I made a mental note to ask him at some point, when the time was right.

"Alright" I replied, a smirk growing on my face. "Give me everything you've got"

Kaneki put a hand on his head and smiled at me in slight disbelief. "You're much too confident for your own good, Dakota"


I decided to surprise my new tutor by lunging at him first. I jumped over to him before landing breifly and swinging a high kick that only just missed.

"Damn" I cursed.

I tried more kicks and punches, but Kaneki seemed to just get faster and faster. His reflexes were incredible.

I jumped up in the air, using my legs as a speed boost to launch myself off the concrete ceiling, but by the time I had reached the ground to swing a powerful blow, the white-haired boy had completely disappeared from sight.

"What the-"

"Boo" Kaneki muttered from behind me.

I yelled and spun around, shocked.

"How did you do that?!" I exclaimed.

Kaneki chuckled. "Lots of practice" he shrugged.

"Damn" I sighed, still slightly out of breath. "I feel really lame"

"Why?" the snowy-haired boy asked.

"I'm nowhere near as strong as you! Where did you even get all this power from anyway?!" I joked.

Kaneki rubbed the back of his head, he began to look uncomfortable. Maybe it was something I said?

"I'm not as strong as you think I am" Kaneki replied quietly, his tone of voice had changed. He sounded much softer now. "And you're not as weak as you think you are, Dakota"

I felt a funny feeling from inside me, like butterflies erupting within my stomach.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"That reminds me" Kaneki muttered. "I need to ask you something"

"Sure" I responded. "What's up?"

"How do you feel about getting a mask made?"

"A mask?" I hesitated, before pouting sarcastically. "Don't you think I'm pretty?"

A light-pink rosy colour dusted Kaneki's cheeks. It was so weird, sometimes he could be adorable, like a cute puppy I just wanted to cuddle and take home, but other times he could be stone cold and ruthless. Terribly confusing, but I feared asking the snowy-haired boy might prod old wounds. Every ghoul had a history, after all.

"It's for protection from the CCG"

"I know, I was just messing around" I giggled. "Will my mask be as awesome as yours?"

Now it was Kaneki's turn to laugh. "I'm not sure. But I'll take you to the same person that made mine, and you can ask him yourself, how's that?"

"Great" I grinned.

Kaneki x OC | A Twist Of FateWhere stories live. Discover now