chapter 2: purple smoke

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Third person point of view

24 years old is he. four years ago he saved that girl from death and never saw her again. he wouldn't forget her. never.

Hoseok has his hair dyed from red to a black color. He did never change his eyes because that's what people would know. He was known in the city as a hero named J-Hope. Yet never he saw the first person he saved. What was her name? Her so called brother yelled it but he doesn't seem to remember. every year around the same time he walks over the bridge hoping she would show up. As he was walking around the streets as J-Hope he wears a black face mask, a black hoodie covering his hair and body shape. Futher a pair of jeans he could move fast in.

none of his friends know about his ability to see if people are save yes or no. At the moment he walked around town with his friends as Hoseok.

"Jimin-ah what are you doing filming me" Hoseok says smiling.

"I'm trying to find J-Hope, i heard that he always walks around at this time" Jimin says. He is obsessed with the hero. he wants to find him and talk to him. his filming abilities are a good thing for this kind of stuff. He has this blog where he posts updates and photos of the hero. "Do you think he has some kind of supernatural power jimin?" Jin says entering the conversation.

"well i think so, he always saves someone completely random and look how fast he is it's like a superpower it has to be!" Jimin shows us the video he has made. it was filmed from our window.

"I don't know guys maybe he is just very smart" Yoongi says playing on his phone.

"Argh, i gotta go meet someone" Jungkook speaks up after a long talk with namjoon.

"Your in a relationship with this girl or boy you dont even told us, for over tree years when are we gonna meet this person" Jimin speaks up while fist bumping jungkook.

"Soon i promise!" he says goodbye to everyone and runs of fast.

"He is fast, what if HE is J-Hope" Namjoon says looking at jungkook running away. "No way he is way to goofy for that" Yoongi says and everyone starts laughing.

Blue smoke around them. good. is all hoseok could think.

he looks around for some red auras but doesn't see them. just some pink meaning there gonna trip or so.  he got out of my thoughts as someone bumps into my shoulder but quickly left with a soft sorry. the girl leaves before he could look at her face.

A purple aura? Is it her? "Ehh, i need to go i'll text you guys later!" he yells almost running away. He got hold back by Namjoon.

"Where you going?" Namjoon looks worried but also curious.

"I need to talk to someone i've met years ago, Don't worry so much" He yanks away his shoulder and starts running towards the purple aura which is now 50 meters away. He ran and ran faster then he could.

"Hey you with the red converse!" Suddenly the girl stops. The girl was standing there with wide eyes. 'that voice' was all she thought.

she turned around to see a boy with black hair and a heart shaped mouth. Glossy eyes and a sharp jawline. His build is muscular but also not to muscled. His dark eyes are staring into yours but is slowly checking you out.

Your eyes, Hair, mouth and build hasn't chanced only your length has changed. the last time he saw her she was sixteen and now a grown up twenty year old women with a nice body shape.

"Do you remember me?" Is all hoseok says while staring deeply in your eyes. All you could do is nob at the blackhaired hero who saved you all those years back on that bridge.

"Alright come with me" he grabs your wrists with his warm hands which are surprisingly very soft. You look around you for help and you only see four boys looking at you.

All black hair, Different heights but are dressed like there coming from some kind of fashion show. All colors are matched together and the shortest one of wearing makeup but you couldn't see them well enough because of the distance between you and them.

Is this a boy band that i do not know or so, they look like there coming out of a unicorn ass. That was the only thought in your mind as you were dragged away by the hero who rescued you from your wanted death.

You look at him and notice he is wearing makeup as well and same kind of clothes. Is this your hero or is t some random guy hitting on you?

Alright let me explain a bit about his power. You'll find out how he got this power but this is what it is.

he sees people with a aura around them. in different colors. every color has a different meaning. Blue is save and red is less save. Every person has a different kind of tint. Like if it's a very dark red almost brown that person is in great danger but if it's light red almost pink that person is gonna trip or so.

i hope i cleared a bit for all of you.



Insta: Blood.Connected

Edited: 05-11-18

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