6. Meet the Team

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Peter woke up in a brightly lit room, with handcuffs slapped onto both his wrists. Each hand had its own handcuff, the other half being attached to the arms of the chair he was now sitting on.

He tried not to groan out of frustration, but had to wince at the somehow brighter than before lights as he opened his heavy eyes.

Right off the bat, even with his blurred vision, he noticed that he was no longer staring out of white eyeholes. They'd taken his mask, which was quite rude and definitely something he considered an invasion of his privacy.

"Hey!" Peter shouted, hoping to catch his captors attention, mind already racing to think of an escape route.

Okay brain, time to think of a way to get the hell out of here. Peter thought as his vision started clearing.

"I'm awake and would like my mask back!" Peter huffed to the seemingly empty room, hoping there was somebody listening by now.

As his eyesight sharpened, the rooms details became more precise. He was clearly in an interrogation room, smooth grey walls swooped low with a panel of glass directly in front of him that he couldn't see through. Obviously, one-sided glass, and hopefully someone in there was watching him.

"I know you're watching, so just talk to me!" Peter groaned, absolutely lying through the skin of his teeth as he had absolutely no clue if anyone was around at all.

What felt like years rolled by and Peter groaned from both frustration and boredom.

"My god, you guys suck! I'm not even here on purpose!" Peter whined. If asking for attention didn't work, he'd do what he did best: annoy the absolute hell out of everyone around him until it worked.

After what seemed like another ten million years, and a lot more whining, the fish-boy from earlier entered.

"My god, finally! Took you guys long enough," Peter huffed, as if he had been waiting patiently instead of performing the entire Mamma Mia musical at the top of his lungs as a part of his obviously well formed plan he had created running on what little energy he had left.

"What did you mean you didn't mean to be here?" He got immediately to the point, sitting down across from Peter, hands folded on the table.

"Oh we're cutting straight to the point? Cool with me. I'm not from here, I'm from a different universe." Peter exclaimed, hands fiddling with the handcuffs before stiffening slightly, just subtle enough so fish-boy didn't notice. These were just standard handcuffs. Standard. Handcuffs. For standard people. With standard strength. Peter was neither of those things. He could've broken out this whole time and he was only just now noticing.

Peter could've smacked himself. Just because he hadn't slept in what felt like forever, and was starving out of his mind wasn't an excuse to forget something so basic!

After he broke out, he decided, the nearest fridge was his next target. And maybe a nap if he was lucky. But considering the last few hours, luck was definitely not on his side.

Fish boy just silently raised an eyebrow at him. "You are aware how ridiculous that sounds?"

"Uh, yeah dude. But I can't really apologize, considering it's the truth," Peter did the best he could to shrug, which was not easy.

He sat in silence for a moment before asking, "what's my name?"

Peter shrugged, confused as to why this was relevant at all, "Uh, Fish Boy? The Incredible Fish Boy? Lord Fishy? Saviour of all Fish Kind?"

Apparently, none of those guesses were correct. Or anywhere close.

"My name is Aqualad," he narrowed his eyes at Peter. "And who are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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