A Hop, Skip and a Jump To Disaster

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I stayed up the rest of the night and thought about Bill.  I had just met a dream demon that had just made a suspicious deal with me.  I thought long and hard about it.  The first to wake up was Stanford.

"Oh, you're still awake, why?"  he asked.

"Oh, I just saw something weird,"  I replied.

"Well, have you heard anything about something named, Bill?"  I asked scratching the back of my neck.

He blinked and his breathing got faster.

"Are you sure you saw him?"  He asked

"Yes, in fact, he talked to me.  He was rather insisting on the idea of making a deal.  He was rather rude," I replied.

Stanford's expression went from stern to concerned.  

"Do not talk to him and especially don't make a deal with him," he said in a serious tone.

I nodded and gathered my stuff.  I was occupying the kitchen table so I moved my stuff into the guest room.  I headed back downstairs and opened the door.

"Where are you going?"  Stanford asked, raising a brow at me.

"I'm going on a walk to clear my head,"  I replied walking out the door. 

I shut the door behind me and started walking into the forest.  The deeper I got the more creatures I stumbled upon.  I reached a clearing and sat down in the middle of it and started to meditate.  It was peaceful, while the quiet lasted.  My h/c and grey hair was up in a ponytail, and about five minutes into meditating, something tugged on my hair.  I turned to see a gnome sniffing my hair.  I stood up unexpectantly, causing the gnome to let go.  

"Uh, hi.  May I inquire as to why were you sniffing my hair?"  I asked, looking down at the small, brown-haired man.    

"Well, I was wondering if you would become our queen," He asked.

"Welp, goodbye,"  I said walking back the way I came.

"Wait, where are you going?!  Why are you leaving?!"  he yelled after me.

"'cause fuck you, that's why!" I yelled back.

I ran all the way back to the shack.  I ran inside and slammed the door behind me.  A girl in a knitted sweater looked at me weirdly.  She stood next to Dipper who gave me the same look.  

"Dipper, who's that?" the girl asked.

"Oh, that's Y/N.  She's a friend of Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford," He explained.  

"And you must be Mabel.  It so nice to finally meet you!  Dipper has said so many great things about you!"  I said shaking her hand.

"WHOA!  You have six fingers!" Mabel exclaimed.

I chuckled and stood straight up.

"Have either of you seen a gnome with brown hair?"  I asked.

"You saw Jeff?!" Mabel asked wide-eyed. 

"Yeah, he is a very odd gnome," I replied.  

I talked to both of them for a bit until Stan called everyone for breakfast.  The three of us headed to the kitchen and got our servings and sat down.  Mabel and Dipper already finished and ran out the door.  I sat down between Stanley and Stanford.  I ate my food while Stanley looked at me.  

"Hey, Y/N, how many hours of sleep did you get?" he asked.

"Hmmm, The last time I slept was about four days ago and I got about two or three hours in before I got ready to head to Oregon," I replied.

Everyone looked at me.  I looked up and around back at them.  

"What?"  I shrugged.

"Y/N, you need to sleep!  You could die!"  Stanford replied.

"What!?  I am so close to figuring out something!  And plus, if I die it's not like people are going to notice or care.  I haven't talked to anyone for almost a year.  The only time I've talked to anyone would be a cashier.  All that has been on my mind is working and saving up enough money to get to Oregon.  It wouldn't really matter anyway, it's not like 1 out of 7.6 billion people dying would be significant," I replied.  

Both Pines looked at me in shock.  I sighed and stood up.  I walked to the sink and rinsed off my plate and walked to the door.  I walked out the door and headed to the forest.  I walked and walked and walked until I reached a really tall tree about six feet from a cliff.  I climbed up and sat down on a hefty limb.  I looked down at the town known as Gravity Falls.  I smiled to myself.  My eyelids grew heavy.  I drifted off into a deep sleep.

 I woke up to see eyes surrounding me, all staring at me.  I looked to see none other than Bill.

"Well, I see someone is secretly suicidal."  I could hear the smirk in Bill's voice.

"Fuck you, Bill.  Can you leave me alone?"  I asked looking away.

"Well, when you put it like that, I'm not gonna leave,"  he responded.

"You're acting childish.  Don't you have anything better to do?"  I asked.

"No, but I can tell you one thing," Bill said looking me dead in the eye.

"And what might that be?"  I glared back.

"You were right.  No one will miss you when you die.  Not even your dearest friends.  They will be glad.  They will feel nothing,"  Bill replied.

I sighed.  The thing I didn't know was that Bill was lying.  I woke up from the realistic dream.  I saw the sun was setting.  I heard my name being called from the middle of the forest.  I looked back.  Even though I just slept for hours, I felt tired.  I climbed down from the tree and started walking back.  I remember when we were kids, always playing in the warm sand of Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey.  Playing games and going on adventures.  The three of us had planned to sail around the world in the Stan 'O War.  But, then we got separated.  I don't know what happened to the boat, but I know that Stanley is trying to get back on good terms with Standford.  I hate to see the two of them fight.  When we were kids, the three of us never fought.  Over the years, I have wanted to talk to my closest friends, but I lost contact with both of them when I went to college.  During college, I never made friends.  I was called a freak by many of the other students.  I felt more and more empty as the years passed.  More tired and lifeless.  I stopped talking unless I needed to and focused more on my work than living my life to the fullest.  I was born on the same day as Stan and Ford, and our parents were really close friends.  So, I hung around at there place most of the time.  My mom and dad were scientists, so they were never home.  I was either home alone or at the Pines residence.  I've always had a thing for Ford, but I was too scared of what he would say to tell him.  I might tell him soon.    

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