
911 24 13


Ford and I entered the lab.  Ford seemed kinda antsy and nervous.  The test must be dangerous, or cool.  My brain was screaming at me, saying things that I threw out the window as soon as my brain said them.  No matter how much I denied it, I still had a thing for Ford.  And my brain knew it.  I shook the thoughts away and turned to Ford who was staring at me.  I blushed.

"So, what's the test?"  I asked, scratching the back of my head.  

"Oh, follow me,"  Ford said.

Ford led me into a little secret room which had a lie detector in the middle next to a chair.

"I want to test a lie detector I invented,"  Ford explained. 

I nodded and sat down.  He placed a couple sticky things over my major arteries in my arm and over my right temple.  He powered it up.  I looked over to see my steady heart rate.  Ford pulled out a stool from a closet I didn't notice before and placed it exactly three feet in front of me and sat down.  He pulled out a list of questions.  I exhaled and readied myself. 

~Ford POV~ 

I got out a list of questions.  Y/N exhaled.  I cleared my throat.   

"Have you ever committed murder?"  I asked.

"No,"  Her pulse was normal.

"Have you ever committed a crime?"


"Are you romantically involved with anyone?"

"No,"  her pulse got a little faster.

"Do you want to be romantically involved?"

She didn't respond.

"Maybe,"  her pulse got faster.

"Are you very close with the person?"


"Are they here?"  

"Yes,"  her pulse got to the point where it was higher than normal.  

Then it clicked.  I didn't notice this before, but Y/N eyes were dilated.  She seemed perfectly calm, but her face was a little pink.  She felt the same.  I said I ended the test.  I unhooked her from the machine and once she stood up, she hugged me.  I hugged her back.

"Mabel wrote the questions, didn't she?"  Y/N asked.

I nodded and she laughed.  Y/N looked at my face and smiled. 

"So, you already know?"  Y/N asked.

I nodded.  

"Good, because I didn't want to confess,"  Y/N replied, burying her face in the crook of my neck.  

I felt my face go to a deep shade of red.  The tips of my ears felt warm along with my face.  A sudden wave a courage washed over me.  Y/N looked at me and smiled.

"So, it's ok if I do this?"  I asked.

Y/N looked at me in confusion, but then I leaned in.  I just kissed the love of my life.  She kissed back.  We parted for breath and smiled at one another.  We made some small talk, then headed upstairs.  I decided I was going to make dinner.  I headed into the kitchen while Y/N went outside.  I sighed.  I started getting ingredients and started cooking.  


I went out the front door.  I was high on adrenaline.  I needed to run around and do some stuff so I wouldn't come into the house all jittery.  I ran down to the police station and greeted the only people there.

"Hey Sheriff Blubs, you don't mind if I have a bonfire, do you?"  I asked, my fingers drumming on my leg.  

"Where will it be?"  he asked.

"Over at the Mystery Shack,"  I replied.

He said it was ok.  I thanked him and went into the forest.  I had located a pub where gnomes and small creatures go for a drink.  I entered the hollow tree trunk and got a pack of six bottles of some alcohol that I tried, liked it, and wanted Ford to try it.  I need to ask him if we're a thing.   I paid the bartender and left.  I put the bottles in something I also got from the Fallow Dimension, which I call an infinity bag.  I put the bottles neatly on a shelf and slung it over my shoulder.  I walked around until I found a faerie ring.  I stepped inside.  I was immediately greeted by a faerie. 

"What do you need?"  they asked.

"Some faerie dust,"  I replied calmly.  

"I'm gonna need some identification,"  the little pixie demanded.

I pulled out my I.D and showed it to the winged humanoid.  They gasped.

"You're Y/N!  Y/N L/N!  It's such an honor to meet you!  I get you some right away!"  they exclaimed.

They disappeared and came back handing me a green leather pouch, along with a key.

"The Queen and King wanted me to give you this.  It's a key to the faerie world.  If you need any help, just put the key in any door lock and turn the key.  The door will turn into a portal for only ten seconds.  If you want to come back into the mortal realm, just say home three times and you go back to a place you love the most,"  they explained.

I thanked them and left.  I pulled a leather cord made from a really strong material that's indestructible.  I put the key on the cord and tied a tight knot at the end.  I placed it around my neck and put the key under my shirt.  The sun was now setting.  I ran home.  I had enough energy so by the time I got to the shack, I was calm.  I entered the kitchen and snuck up behind Ford.  I put my chin on his shoulder.

"What are you making?"  I asked.

"Food,"  he replied.

"What kind?"  I smiled.

"Edible food,"  he chuckled.  

I kissed his cheek and set the table.  Took off my shoes then remembered, I was going to make a bonfire after dinner.                      

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