Chapter 1

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Chapter -1

                           THE YEAR IS 3011. The earth is for long forgotten. Man kind was forced to leave the planet and go to another corner of the universe- Atlanta. Thanks to technology human were able to make it to the far off planet Atlanta where life is 1000 years longer than on earth and build a base there. But the humans are not safe there. The planet has many secrets to itself-secrets that humans fear. No one dares to explore the planet beyond the limits of the base. Life is exciting but adventurous too. Many live with the memories of relative and friends who have been left to die on earth and those who lost their lives between the journey. But now they have forgotten their differences and are working together for a new life on Atlanta.

                     Among the survivors are our heroes – Jake, Rita, Mike, Irvin and Anna. They were friends on earth and continue to be so on Atlanta. They are an adventurous lot. They are secretly planning to explore Atlanta. Irvin is Jakes younger brother and Rita is Jake’s girl friend. Mike’s girl friend is Anna.

                   Irvin, mike and Jake are scientists and they believe that somewhere hidden in the mountains are the secret of life. So they are determined on exploring the mountains. If they succeed, the secret of life will unravel before them!!

                  The historical day came. Irwin, Jake, Mike, Rita and Anna set off together. All of them carried a diary because if anything happened to them they wanted their findings to reach the outer world. Such was their determination! The escaped the eyes of the other humans and came out of the large globe-like structure in which they lived. It was a really good thing that Atlanta contained enough O2 and CO2. “It is strange out here” said Jake. “But exciting!” said Rita. “Hold you horses! But we have an aim. We should not rest until we accomplish it” said Mike. “Right you are, Mike” said Anna. “But it is not easy. We have a big job on our hands. If we succeed, we’ll be heroes. But if we lose….we may lose our life.” “Hey. Don’t think like that. We’ll succeed for sure!” said an excited Irvin. But he didn’t feel as sure as he seemed to feel. All of them were excited but anxious too. Because no one could predict what they were going to face. The looked round them. They felt that they were in a hazy dream. The sky was a greenish blue color. The trees were a dark green. There were birds in the sky. But they emitted light and seemed as if they were shooting stars in the dark colored sky. There was a small brook near them. It was flowing down in a calm way producing musical notes with its every move. The water was a dark blue in color. In the brook too there were fish- light emitting ones. It seemed as if the 5 were in a wonderland from fairy tales.

                            They started walking. They were not sure which direction as the compass needle was twisting in circles. They walked together, watching out for any kind of danger. They were in the adventure now. Ready to face anything that they may come across, together.

                         They walked on for 3 days, taking shelter under the overhanging branches of the light emitting trees. They fed on red berries which were thankfully sweet. When the nights were cold, they made a fire with Jake’s lighter and the twigs from trees which could catch fire easily. Anna wrote in her diary ‘third day since we started our journey. We seem to reach nowhere. Mike and the others are in high spirits. But somehow I don’t think that they feel as cheerful as they appear to be. But we are not loosing hope. It may take months. But we are ready. I think that it is a good thing that a lifetime is 1000 earth years in here. Because it may take us that long to find what we are looking for.’

                        They continued on their journey. It was the 35th day f their journey. They reach a huge mountain. Taller than the Mt.everest, or so it seemed. They decided to explore it. Jake had a life detector and a structure analyzer with him. The others too had such instruments. They stayed there and explored the mountain for some days. At last on the 40th day of their journey, they came to know the happy news. The mountain seemed to have a unique code which resembled the DNA and RNA of living beings. But still much was to be discovered.

           According to Irvin’s calculation the mountain was located at the centre of the planet Atlanta and they decided that this might be their big find. Anna wrote in her diary ‘This is music to our ears. It is hint that all our work hard work has not gone to waste. Now our aim will be to explore this mountain and find out its secrets. I am sure that our work will do good to all living beings. But dangers are yet to come. But we are ready to face them. We are determined.”

                        41st day of their adventure - they set out to explore the mountain. The mountain was not steep. It seemed to be an elevated but flat stretch of land. But they knew that it was just an illusion due to the vastness of the track. They walked on for a day. Then nightfall came. They rested under a tree. But there was a change this time. The trees were a mix of blue, yellow and green colors.

                      They set off the next day. They were all excited and were determined to cover the maximum distance in the minimum possible time. They had a surprise that day. As soon as they climbed over the first loop of the mountain, they felt that they were in another world. Because they found that the path was covered with diamond and other light emitting stone collection. Jake analyzed them and found that they were the purest form of diamonds ever found formed due to the high pressure of the core of Atlanta. This saved them some matches and batteries as they didn’t need any of those for light. They also found out that the trees and most probably all other organisms contained large amount of nitrogen and that this was the cause for the light emitted from them.

                        They were amazed by the number of tunnels in the mountain. All of them were full of precious and semi-precious stones. But this posed a new problem. They didn’t know which tunnel to take. And as the walls of the tunnels were very hard, they could not make any markings. Once the tried to find a way out of a tunnel. But they found that the tunnel divided into three more as they went father and that each one of them too divided further. So they concluded that it was almost impossible to find their way without getting lost through the tunnels. So they decided to go on through the spiral road. But they found that a huge tree had fallen across the path and that it was impossible to cross it. So the only way to cross the mountain was to cross the tunnels which seemed to be impossible.

                           Anna wrote ‘This is a real problem. We are totally unprepared for this. We may get lost if we go into one of those tunnels. But Irvin says that there might be a honeycomb- like structure covering the whole mountain. So there is no way we’ll succeed in this way. I don’t know what will happen. But I am hopping for the best’

                       They spent their days trying to find a way to go on with the journey, but in vain. Their spirits dropped rapidly. Their food also was limited. But they were not ready to accept defeat yet. They were determined to die rather than to turn back. The girls were exhausted. The boys were confused whether to go on or turn back for the girl’s sake.

                       One night Rita fainted. The boys were confused. They had to do something for Rita and the best thing was to get her near civilization. But Anna was so exhausted that she could not walk a single step. They were so confused and very tensed. They were sure that they will encounter the same fate if they stayed there much longer. Also they were very far from the human base. They failed to wake Rita by sprinkling water. Irwin was the next to go down.

                                     It was the 63rd day of their adventure. Irwin’s and the girl’s condition rapidly deteriorated. The other two were getting exhausted themselves. They were sure that they would die there. Irwin who was conscious urged the other two to take the girls and leave him to die. But Jake and Mike were ready to accept death rather than to leave Irwin to die. All five of them were seeing death face to face for the next 7 days.

                                     One night Jake was the only one conscious. Irwin and Mike were already unconscious. Jake feared that it was already too late to do anything in case of the girls. He said to himself “If I must die here today, I am proud to do so in service of mankind. I hope that Anna’s diary will be found by someone else and he would be successful where we failed.” Then he closed his eyes, preparing to die.

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