chapter 5

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                     It was dawn. The small light shedding birds were flying high in the sky. Buj who had kept awake all night to protect our heroes decided that it was time to wake them up. He gently shook Jake. He opened his eyes slowly. At first he was a bit disoriented. Then he remembered where he was. He saw Buj and smiled. He got up slowly. Then he awoke Irwin, Rita, Mike and Anna. All of them ate the same fruits they had had the previous night. The small spring that flowed nearby was a real boon to them. The freshened up and were ready for the day’s journey.

                         Days passed. They traveled through mountains, tunnels, valleys, plains and plateaus. They were guided by Buj who was silent most of the time. As more and more days passed, Buj got more confused about the emotions of these humans. But he kept his thoughts to himself. The five were also extremely quite on most of the occasions. But whenever they talked, it was about either their home back on earth or friends and relatives. Sometimes they talked about the massive mission that lay in their hands. Anna continued to write in her diary. She wrote all about the composition of the fruits that they ate and the terrain through which they traveled.

                           It was the 102nd day of their journey. Jake was a bit worried. While the others were resting for a little while, he went to Buj. Jake asked: “Buj, it has been 102 days since we started our journey. But we seem to be getting no where. I’m getting a bit worried. Do you know when we’ll be able to achieve our aim? How long will we have to wait?” Buj smiled. He said “Jake, I have told you that I cannot say when we’ll achieve our goal. But I think that we are getting really close. But now begins the real phase of the adventure. I think that by today, we’ll reach the unknown plains. As the name says, these plains have never been explored before. But it is said that there are five great volcanoes and nine underground hot water gushers there. No one knows about the exact number of rivers that flow through the area. But they can change their courses at any time.” Jake asked “are these the dangers that you told me about some days ago?” Buj nodded his head. Jake got up and went back to where the others were resting.

                           Rita saw Jake’s worried face as he approached them she asked “Jake….what’s the matter? Anything wrong?” Jake looked at all four of them and said “guys, we are coming to the most important part of our journey. Buj says that ahead of us lays the unknown plains with a great amount of danger…” Anna spoke “Jake all of us know that. But we are not turning back. We’ll not turn back till we achieve our goal – the secret of life. You don’t have to worry” Jake smiled. He said “I know. So, prepare for the journey. I want to reach the pains as son as possible because I’m sure that the secret of life isn’t far away from there.”

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