We ask each other all these weird questions.
'What is your favorite color?," Jake says.
"Lime green. What's yours?," I say.
"Green. What is your favorite sport?," He says.
"Field Hockey. Yours?," I ask.
"Football. What is your favorite subject?," He asks.
"Math. Yours?," I ask.
"Lunch.," He says.
"Haha. Wow. That's not a subject.," I say still laughing.
"It is to me. Haha. What is your favorite animal?," He asks.
"I like cats as pets. But I like dolphins as my favorite animal. Yours?," I ask.
"I like cats, too. My favorite animal is a monkey.," He says.
"When is your birthday?," I ask.
"January 15, 1999. When is your birthday?," He asks.
"October 2, 1999.," I say.
Ding Ding
The bell for second period goes of. We go to gym. We play dodge ball and Jake and I get out a couple times. When ever we get out we laugh. Jake is really good at dodge ball. With the throwing part. I am good at the dodging part. I keep hiding behind Jake. We laugh all during gym class.
We go to third period. We have Art.
"Today class, we have a new student.," Mrs.Smith says.
"Hi.," I say.
"What is your name?," She says.
"Marissa.," I say.
"Would anyone like to help Marissa out?," She says as she is looking at volunteers.
"Well actually, Jake is helping me around.," I say.
"Oh. Ok. That's good. You are going to have a great time at this school.," She says.