Chapter Five

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I get on the bus and I sit next to Veronica.

"So how was your first day of school?," She asks.

"It was fun. Jake showed me around the whole day.," I said, as I smiled and blushed.

"Ooh. I think someone has a crush.," She said.

"Ok. Maybe a little.," I said.

"Haha. Well this is my stop. See you tomorrow. Bye.," She said as she left.

"Bye. See you tomorrow.," I said.

I finally got home and my mom was waiting for me in the driveway. 

"Hi sweety. How was your first day of school?," She asked as she took my backpack.

"It was good. This kid Jake showed me around.," I said trying not to blush or smile.

"That's great. You have a friend.," She said.

"I got a lot of friends. All of Jake's friends are my friends.," I said as I got out my home work.

"That's great.," She said.

I eat dinner and I watch TV for a little bit. Then I go to sleep. Another day is coming. Yay! I get to see Jake again!, I think, I can't wait for tomorrow.

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