Dear Kacchan,
By the time you're reading this I'm gone,I've been feeling dread ever since,wondering.How did I get into U.A?Did I deserve to go to U.A?Could I ever be equal to you and the others working so hard over there.I tried so hard Kacchan,but i failed everyone.I don't know why I even did try being your equal,you're all the way up there,always giving it your all.You do have an explosive temper,but that's one thing that drives you,Kacchan.I have nothing to motivate me,because no matter what I ever did.I was always too weak....I guess you were right.Maybe I should have jumped that time,do you think everyone would be at peace had I done it?I wouldn't bother anyone....I don't even think now I will.I'm sorry this letter isn't much,I've just always admired you and thought you would want a reason why.I'm being silly right?Actually I've got one more thing to write before I actually stop.Kacchan,ever since we were kids,i've.....I've sort of liked you.I mean,admire, you actually. I know you would never return my feelings but,I just wanted to get it out before I finally leave.I'm sorry again,Katsuki,for being such a nuisance.I just hope what I did can bring peace to your life.