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:: comm link
{} twin bond
~::~ creator/creation bond (parent/child)
Sire- dad, father
Carrier- mom, mother
recharge- sleep
units of time I use:
astrosecond- 1/4 of a second
klik- minute
joor- 3 hours
groon- 3 months
cycle- day
deca-cycle- 10 days
meta-cycle- 20 days
stellar cycle- 1 earth year
vorn- 83
Sam, Mikaela and I held onto Jazz's thumb as we headed to the rec room to see Sides and Sunny. "hey Jazz, what ya got there?" Sides asked
"I'm Sam" Sam said
"Mikaela" Mikaela said
"I'm Heather but my real name is Starella" I said, looking at Sides and Sunny
"Star?!" Sides and Sunny at the same time
"yep." I said, smiling
"but how?" Sides asked
"I landed here 12 years ago and I just regained my memories"  I told them
"well, hop on Star." Sides said as he put out his hand and I got onto his hand and he moved his hand near his shoulder and I walked onto Sides shoulder and sat down
"wanna prank ole 'Hide, Star?" Sides asked
"sure, Sides" I said and we left the rec room to go the training room 
I watched from my perch on Sides shoulder as Sunny put ballons full of pink paint into 'Hide's targets
"is there any feathers?"  I asked
"I do. why?" Sides said
"well, I was thinking that the last target could hold a bunch of feathers so that when 'Hide shot it, he'd be covered in both paint and feathers"  I said
"that's a great idea, Star" Sides said as he put a lot of feathers into the last target
"let's get going before Ironhide comes in" Sunny said and we all ran out of the room before Ironhide arrived
"wonder how long it will be til he finds out?"  I ask
"SIDESWIPE, SUNSTREAKER I'M GONNA KILL YA!!!" I heard Ironhide say and I held onto a piece of Sides shoulder armor and he and Sunny ran from Ironhide just to have to the end of the hallway blocked by my sire
"what did you three do?" Sire asked
"uh, we pranked Ironhide?"  I said
"Starella, Bumblebee is looking for you. Sam and Mikeala told him who you really are" Sire said
"really?" I asked
"yes. I can have Bumblebee meet you in the rec room" Sire said
"all right. Later Sides, Sunny" I said as I hopped onto Sire's hand
"There you two are" Ironhide said as I saw him round the corner
"hi, 'Hide. Bye 'Hide" I said
"You're leaving us with him, Star?" Sunny asked
"um.." I pretend to think "yes" 
"Starella?" Ironhide asked
"of course she's Starella, Ironhide. Don't kill them, 'Hide" Sire said as we left Sides and Sunny with Ironhide to head back to the rec room and I saw Bumblebee standing by the door to the rec room
"Bee!" I said happily
" ya doing?"  Bee asked using the radio as I handed off to Bumblebee
"I'll be in the medbay, Starella" Sire said
"ok" I replied as Sire left. "I'm happy. you?" I asked Bee
"wonderful...happy..." Bee said
"Happy about what?" I asked as he walked into the rec room
"star.....back.....gone long.....never thought....I'd see you again....missed you.." Bee said
"I missed you too, Bee" I replied as I climbed up to his shoulder and kissed his cheek. 

I know, cliffhanger. and I have already chosen which bot will be Heather aka Starella's sparkmate and the winner is....*drumrolls* Bumblebee

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