The GusiiLand Mystery Episode 1

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The Practice of sorcerers exhuming corpses among the Abagusii in Gusiiland has been a talk for centuries but nobody seems to understand the Phenomena.The Corpses are allegedly devoured by the witches as the casket is used to ripen matoke.

These stories make Kisii infamous for witches both real or imagined.The very thought of loved one's body being exhumed sends a cold shiver among many in the Kisii community.

It's because of this that graves in some parts of the famous Gusiiland are dug up to a depth of seven feet.It's said that family members and neighbours light up homes and keep vigil by the graveside for days in some parts of Kisii to protect their dead relatives.Some go to an extent of fortifying the graves with concrete to keep off the witches.

For additional security the bereaved consult healers' and harm themselves with talismans lest the witches cast a spell that send's them into a slumber during the vigils and steal their loved right under their noses.

Now surprisingly,although the practice of sorcerers exhuming corpses has been a talk for centuries nobody has ever understood the phenomenon.

Church leaders and community elders have had different types of arguments concerning the whole mystery which is either there or still remains an imagination.

To be continued.....Narrated by Sir Elvis

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