Chapter One

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New story! Yeah! Well I'll be quick! I'm hoping to start a little faster into this story. But still trying to pack details, don't bother pointing out mistakes, all uploads are from my phone.



Fan! Because your all FANtastic!

That was so cheesy! ;-x


"Get up to your room NOW!" My mother screamed, her face tinting pink. I nodded and complied, not that I had a choice.

Even when people talk to me, they expect me to listen. They talk through me, I'm not a real person to any of them. I'm just some easily controlled little mute girl that wont talk back.

I know what people say about me, not because my friends hear the rumors, I have no friends. I know what they say because even when I'm close, I don't exist, I can't say anything to them so why should they care what I think? No one else does.

I am Scarlet Baker. But I go by Scar, because that's the only thing that makes them look twice. When I was ten, I was kidnapped by a man in black, he asked me questions that I obviously couldn't answer outloud. So he tortured me, he burned me, punched me, starved me, but when the police sirens surround the house he left me his last gift. A long clean cut down my face. And now all in left is the scar and a wickely painful hollowness.

I crawled into my little corner and curled up with my blanket. I snuggled closer into the wall folding my legs up. I sighed in the darkness, and thanked my few lucky stars for the sudden quiet.

Tomorrow I would wake up, with a stiff spine and a chill, I already knew this. But I would have to face an entire day of whispers from people I don't even know. People who don't know me. They don't bully me, not really, because then they would have to talk to me. See me.

Tear flowed down my cheeks, falling onto my cover, some drying on my cheeks. I sobbed harder into my pillow, soaking it. But even when I wished my mother actually cared for me, I knew that would never happen. Most would say, 'Of coarse your mom loves you, she just has a hard time showing it' but in my heart I know that's not true. When I was eleven I had gotten up from a reacurring night terror, and I heard them discussing something about me. I listen closer, "Maybe its best, we're young, and obviously not fit for the job. Maybe a fresh start is what we need. There are many willing foster homes and other parents ready to adopt." I left, running to my roon, I had wished so desperately that tears would fall, but I was numb.

All I know is that I needed to be heard. I just haven't figured out how. I have never felt such a longing to be seen, to be heard but most of all, To be Recognize.  


I watched the wind sweep up a few stray leaves from the window, not bother to pay the teacher any mind. I sat in the back, were few people dared to sit. Multiple colors of gum were stuck under the table, profanities engraved on the desktops and the seats squeaked with every move you make. Over all it wasn't so bad, better than being up there.

I took out my crappy mp3 player and scanned through the sobgs before pick one. Cut by plumb drifted into my ears.

'Not a stranger, no I am yours,

With crippled anger and tears that still drip sore.

A fragile frame aged, With misery

And when our eye meet, I know you see

I do not wanna be afriad

I do not wanna die inside just to breathe in

I tire of feeling so alone

Relief exists

I find it when I am cut.'

A wave of sadness hit me, make me even more exhausted. My face had noticeable turned down, and my eyes teared up. I swiped at them and blinked back any stray tears. I put my head into my arms and listen to tge music softly roll out. The bell rung, signalling the of end of class and the begining of lunch. I wiped at my tears, leaving the puffiness of my eye my only reminder. I took off out of the class room and into the cafeteria.

I payed for my chicken burger and raced back out. I headed to the west side of the campus, it was were the original school burned down because of vandalism. I sat alone against a small barren apple tree.

I ate my lunch in silence, listening to the soft hum of the bee's and watching a couple chickadee's chase each other. I crumpled up my sandwich wrapping and tosed it into a waste bin on my way to class.  


School had ended an hour ago, I was still walking home. It was pouring rain out and my clothes were drenched, clinging to my body. My dirty blonde hair sticking to my face.

It was so cold, rain pelted down hard slashing out like knives. It was like getting hit when you have a sunburn. My face was slowly going numb and my fingers tingled. I slipped on the sleek icy water, soaking me through and through. A single tear rolled down myself before I picked my self up and got going again. Only another mile left. But it felt like I had already traveled 3. Lighting flashed darkly out of an angry sky, the thunder soon fallowing. Great. 


I slid out of my sopping clothes, and grabed a pj top and sweats. I slipped into a steaming hot shower. The water boiled my skin blotchy red, and soap puddled at my feet. I ran my hand through my now clean hair, no soap. I slathered soap over my shoulders and stomach, reaching down to scrub my long muscular legs. I watched the suds swirl down tge drain. I stood under the water a minute longer before shutting the faucet of and stepping into my fluffy black towel, sighing.

It was only six and id yet to eat but, bed sounded much better. I layed my pillow in the corner again, ignoring he full sized bed in the middle of the room. I folded my legs into my chest, sighing in frustration when more tears drenched my cheeks. Good god do they ever stop? All things run out but I seem to have endless tears. Tonight I didn't cry for a reason, though there was plenty. Tonigh I cryed because there was nothing left to do. But sleep to the pain away, until the morning so I closed my teary eyes and let numb useless wish fill my empty head. 


Again thanks for reading and excuse the mistakes ill try and fix them later. Lemme know whacha think birdies!





-Tiffant ;-x

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