Chapter Fi

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Alright all you persistent fans.... when I said the more you comment and vote the quicker I would post I didn't think you'd be so quick! But I'm so thankful you did, I love you ALL!!!! If you could see me right now you'd know how much I'm smiling.... I look like a bubbly idiot, but I'm really to happy to I'm sorry that this didn't go up super quick but I'm gonna try and make it longer. Oh and guess what!?!?! I love Halloween!!!!!! I went to the mainland to trick or treat with my cousin!!!! I was a Gothic Dollie!!!!! I looked look so wicked! Who else has an amazing costume? I love new ideas for Halloween so if you have a creepy creative one, comment!!!!!

Who ever has the best will get the next chapter dedicated to them!!!!!



Fan!!!!! Because?!?!


P.s: I'm apologize for any spelling or grammar errors,


Soft buzzing filled my ears, but my head pounded painfully, feeling ready to implode. Blinding white light fluttered through my sandpaper like eyelids. My arms and legs felt like dead weights, my fingers and toes strangely numb. My eye slowly adjusted to the stark white of the light, walls, title and bed sheets. The air smell like death and chemicals, burning my nose. I tried to sit up but as soon as my head moved up, my vision swam and the room spun, different shades of white mixing together in one big blur. The room got smaller and smaller, the walls pressing tightly against my bed, suffocating me. I could feel my eyes roll back into my head and another wave of black tried to sweep me away into tomorrow but I was fighting the current. My breath seized up and I could no longer see clearly, everything was fogy, faceless figuares moved in with surprising speed. My body started jerking uncontrollably and pulsing pain erupted from my core. A loud, blood curtling scream echoed through the room and the figuares started moving again, quicker this time. My body felt like it had been shocked everywhere, snakes of electricity wrapped around my limbs, slitheting over me persistently. The room started moving again, the walls blurred past me even in my pain filled haze I could tell I was being moved. People around me were shouting frantically and I felt a slight pinch in my arm and the pain started to dull within minutes. Everything started to become heavy, first my legs, then my arms, my hands, my head and finally my eyes started to feel like boulders. I didn't fight, I didn't struggled, I was grateful. The noise dimmed into a nonexistent hum. Images flitted trough my mind, and suddenly I couldn't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

I smiled up at the man, hugging him tightly. He grinned and reach down to ruffle my hair and I squealed and jumped out of his reach, giggling. He beckend for my to fallow, his smile gaunt and pulled to tightly over his face. I slowly walked to his side, looking up at the kind man. He tried to speak but the effort looked to forced, His skin melted over his lips, and then settled as normally as it would if he'd been born like that. His mouth moved under the new skin, muffling a terrible screeching. I screamed as he forcefully dug into the skin, his nails breaking the flesh. He torn into it flesh falling away as he clawed at it. Blood soaked his face and hand, but he continued on, ripping away bits of flesh a time, a howling laughter coming from the air. He teeth gnawing at the flesh that got in his way. I watching in revolt, and horror, I could feel my stomach jump up as he spit a peice of chewed up, bloodied skin dripping in saliva. Just as his bloody, dismantled mouth was free the skin grew over in a matter of seconds. He growled like a feral dog, his hair was sticking in every direction, blood spattered everywhere, caked onto his face and hands. He looked crazy, psychopathic, he looked desperate. His eye hollowed out leaving blacked pits in their absence. I choked on a sob and stumbled back, watching as the lovely rosary around his neck turned to an ugly serpent, black as coal and eyes red as rubies. The serpent met my terrified gaze as it circled his neck, its eyes were hypnotic, compelling even. It's forked tongue flickered out, looking lethal and deathly, casting me one last arrogant gaze, a sickly Snap! Came from his neck, he stopped screaming, he stop moving, he stopped breathing. The serpent disintegrated into a sharp blue ash and the man mouth returned to his original sweet smile, bloodied and scraps of skin hanging off but underneath was that same smile.

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