two || stars

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listen to song on side while you read >>>>

Only the subtle sound of their feet padding over the sand could be heard as he let the red haired beauty guide him to wherever they were going. Her smaller hand felt warm and soft in his contrastingly calloused fingers.  It was a clear night; there were no clouds evident in the dark sky, only the sparkling stars. The full moon cast a milky glow on everything, giving the calm ocean an eerie but beautiful ambiance.

They suddenly stopped, and that was when he noticed the absence of her hand, which was somehow unnerving. His gaze wandered around the area they were standing in; the tranquil sea was to his left while the crumbly rock of a cliff was to his right. His eyes finally locked on the girl in front of him, who was leaning against the cliff side. The moonlight made her look almost unearthly; beautiful. Her bright red lips were stretched into a playful smirk whilst her opaque eyes sparkled. And then she started to speak, turning her head to look at the water.

“There’s just something about the water at night… you know? It’s all dark and mysterious, like it’s hiding something underneath,” She paused, taking a moment to eye the mesmerized boy in front of her , before fastening her gaze to the ocean. Then she continued speaking in such a quiet voice, almost as if she was talking to herself – but he could just manage to hear what she said.

“Almost like me.”

And then she had that knowing smirk back on her face, as if a completely sombre look hadn’t been pasted onto her face seconds ago, as if she hadn’t just given the boy standing in front of her a tiny insight to her life. Pushing all sobrieties aside, she started advancing towards his motionless figure. He didn’t even realise he was holding his breath until he let it out in small wisps as he watched her diminish the insignificant amount of space they had between them.

He refrained from allowing his body to jolt in shock as her hand was suddenly on his chest, and he wondered whether she could feel the erratic beating of his heart. Her slender hand stayed on his chest for a moment, before it trailed down and her fingers latched onto the buttoned edge of his denim jacket. He stumbled slightly as she softly pulled him towards her, and their bodies were flush against one another. She felt so soft against him, and when she looked up at him and their eyes met, he thought, just for a moment, that the dangerous, self-confident persona had vanished from her face. This close, he could see the way her forest green eyes were darker than they were in the beach house, and they were beautiful. With a jolt, he realised his head had involuntarily moved towards hers, and their lips were only inches apart.

And then they were kissing.

Her lips held the subtle taste of honey, and he didn’t care that he could also taste the alcohol she had consumed at the party. He was drowning in the softness of her lips and wow she was a good kisser. His eyes had closed on their own intention as he revelled in her captivating presence. He felt her hands tracing the back of his neck and finally bury themselves in his already mussed hair, and he wrapped his own arms around her slender waste. They were in a passionate embrace that caused both of them to delve deeper and further into their own haphazard reality.

As quickly as it had started, it ended. With one final chaste kiss, she was the one to pull away first, with a miniscule smile playing on her lips. As her eyes travelled to his lips, a small laugh escaped her own, and then she started laughing wholeheartedly. And he only thought of how harmonious and… pretty she sounded. With glazed over eyes and an unwavering smile on his face, he asked her why she was laughing, and she answered.

“You have lipstick all over your mouth, silly.”

And while his head was tilted up, smiling at the sparkling stars, he realised that she was much more than a rough edged girl who was only around for a few days; she was really something else.


Well, I've finally updated, woah.

I've cast Holland Roden as the girl (which you will know the name of in the next chapter) bc she is so god damn gorgeous and i love her to bits (gif on side)

I know what some of you might be thinking about this chapter, though, "Wow they already had their first kiss",

I know, I know, but trust me, it'll all come together in the end and will hopefully make sense.

but aside from that, how'd you all like the chapter? I really enjoyed writing it, after such a long time! I apologise that I haven't updated any of my stories for such a long time, but I need to make school my first priority, and I've got, like, a trillion assignments to finish before the holidays end, so yeah, wattpad is just a way for me to relax, really.

okay, enough of my boringness, I would just like to dedicate this chapter to @stwhyles BC I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AYSHE. seriously though, you always leave the most wonderful and thoughtful comments on my stories that make me smile so so so much!!!!!!

thanks for reaDING!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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