The Beginning

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"-There a cute couple~" I gushed as I saw the two peices that fit together.

'I love love~'

"Yeah. How did you get them together anyway?" A friend of mine asked. She broke her gaze from the PDA and turned to face me. Although I sat there, dreamily scanning the room for my next match make.

"I can tell?" I mumbled. My eyes flittered to a guy in a group of jocks, they all laughed but he was staring across the room. My gaze followed his until it landed on a girl. I furrowed my eyebrows.

'Not quite.' I thought.

"What?" My friend, always wanting me to evaluate my gift.

"I don't know, I can just see the connections." The girl dropped something and leaned forward to pick it up. Behind her I saw another guy reading a book. I noticed he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. His friend sat next to him on his phone, occasionally showing him something and they'd laugh. I looked back for the Jocks reaction; he blushed and smiled faintly.

"Bingo~" I mumble and stand. Brushing off my shorts/skirt/jeans. "I am in need of service~"

"You're weird as all heck." My friend sighed, before pulling out her phone. Probably to tell her other friends that I have found new victims.

"Eh, whateves." I brush off her comment and make my way across the cafeteria to the boy with glasses.

'Here we go again~'

"Hey, how are you?" I casually greet the guy, as I stand infront of him. His familiarly blonde friend immediately looks up.

"Who- Oh god see ya!" His friend grabbed his bag and ran.

"Felix, what now?" The glasses kid asks the empty space next to him.

"Fe's gone, I'll get him next time. But I'm here~" I say sweetly. And floof a bit of his hair.

He looks up from his book, when his eyes land on my face, all the colour drains from his. His face was so pale already, I didn't think it possible.

He knows my reputation. Everyone does. I'm (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n).

○"Match Maker"
○"Love Lender"
○"Puzzle Finder"
○"Angel of Luv"
○"Mender of Hearts"
○"Peice fitter"
○"Ship Sailer"

Many names of mine.
(Any other names?)

I come to you. And hook you up with your perfect match. I've made so many successful relationships, some not even in my school. I've hooked randoms on the street, teachers, the elderly.

Free of charge. Why would I need to be payed for something I love? Sure, there's benefits,  but the unique, sensational feeling I get when I see two people happy with eachother, it warms my heart.

But back to the single, little Irish man.

"H-hey, (Y/n), right? What brings you here?" He nervously asks. He dog ears his book and closes it, giving my his full attention. He pulls his glasses off and snaps them in a case, then slides them into his bag. His gaze never leaving my face.

"Oooh~ You know very well why~" I playfully intimidate him. "May I know your name?" I take a seat beside him. Holding my hand out.

"S-Seàn, but you can call me Jack." He regains his composure. Holding his hand out to shake mine. After that brief shake, I keep talking.

"Well, Jack. It seems I've spotted your admirer~" I pat him on the shoulder. He looks at me in disbelief.

"A-admirer?" He looks around the cafeteria. His head scans everywhere- he stops. His eyes widen and he looks down. A deep blush on his face. I know what he saw.

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