Telling the Guardians

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Jacks pov~~~~ you all knew it

I flew through a window and stood infront of the globe. I called out for the rest of the guys.

"Yes Jack?" Boomed a russian accent as North made an entrance.

"I have news!" I excitedly wave my hands. I hover above the ground and backflip from all my excitement.

"Calm down, aye, Frosty? What's the news?" Bunny asked as he walked in, flipping his boomerang.

"A new spirit!" I shouted, not really listening to Bunny.

Tooth flew up to me excited aswell. "IS IT A GIRL!?" She shouted.

"Yes! With an amazing smile!" I said to get Tooth more interested. It was true though.

"Yes!" She backfliped with me.

Sandman signalled a '?'

"Oh, right." my smile faultered and I sank back to the floor. "Remember that day I told you about 20 years ago?"

"Ze one about that cliff?" North beated around the bush.

"Well, the girl who, sacrificed herself, she's the new spirit"
I said sadly, remembering the memory. "But she has an amazing power! I think she knows her center too!"

"Already?" Asked North.

"Yes. Me, Fun. You, Wonder. Tooth, Memories. Sandy, Dreams. Fluffy butt, Hope. And her, Cupid...Love?" I thought about it.

"Maybe the last Cupid past? He probably wanted to go." Tooth started.

"What?" I asked.

"Well it happens, by will, by accident, by force-" She starts.

"Force?-" I raise an eyebrow.

"That doesn't matter though." Bunny interupted.

"Manny needed to find a spirit that was pure of love. I guess, was of exactly that."

"She was." my eyes watered "She is!" I stop myself from shedding the tear.

"We'll need to meet her then!" North proposed.

*thumbs up*

"See Sandy agreed." North triumphantly says.

"Not so fast mate." Bunny says.

"We need to leave her to find her place." Tooth says.

"Like, so she can find her powers and stuff?"

"More like control. We didn't jump atchu we you came Frosty. We left ya for a while." Bunny comfirmed.

"Can we hang though?" I asked.

"Leave it for a while, give it a month or two-"


"Calm down. You can watch her, if you want?"

"That's creepy." I say.

'But I will. I want to see her.'

"So, are we free to go?" Asked North.

"Yeah sure. But Tooth, can you tell me more about how Cupid works? Anything important?"

"Anything in particular?" She asks.

'One thing actually.'

"Well, the girls she helped. They couldn't see her at first, but her arrows got them, then they could, how?"

"Well, those girls would have believed in love. That's why here arrows worked on them. But the girls would have believed that 'someone' helped them, then they could see the 'helper'" I was sorta confused so I asked for an example.

"Your winter tricks work on people, even if they don't see you."

I nod.

"Because they believe in winter. Not a person who controls them."

'That stung.'

"But they believed a someone made it happened. You were that someone. They believed in you."

"Oooooh coooool. I get it."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah." I smile and fly away.

"Bye. To Cupid, Wind.'


And I landed in (the city you live).

'She's still here?'

And I catch a glimpse of her zoom past me.

'Should I say hi?'

I then thought of what the others said, so instead of talking to her, I'll watch her.

'This'll be fun.'

Jack Frost x Reader Where stories live. Discover now