Chapter 1 : Bumping into one another

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You know the feeling when your completely surrounded yet you feel completely alone? I've had that feeling for past two years since moving to London. I had my headphones in and tuned the world out as I made my way to the city library when I had crashed into someone. That's what I get for keeping my eyes to the ground. My books had fallen out of my arms and onto the side walk. As I picked them up the person who I crashed into knelt down to help. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you love. I wasn't watching where I was going." Said the guy as we stood back up. "That's ok, I wasn't looking as well." I said as I finally looked at the persons face. There stood in front of me was a blue eyed, brunette who would always take my breath away whenever I saw him. There stood Louis Tomlinson. I recovered from the shock when someone cleared their throat. I looked behind Louis and saw the rest of One Direction. "Well again sorry to bump into you, but I must go now." I said as I was about to walk around them into the library doors. "Wait where are you headed?" Niall asked. "I was on my way to the library." "Mind if we join you?" He asked. "I'm sure you have better things to do at the moment." I said looking at them, louis hasn't spoken once since he looked at me. "Nah we were justing walking around today." Liam said. "Well I guess you could then." I said as I started walking again. "What's your name?" Louis finally spoke. "It's Tori, what about you guys?" I wasn't going to let them know I knew who they are, then they think I was some deranged fan. "You don't know who we are?" Harry asked. "Well yes I do, but I thought you would appreciate me asking you instead of assuming. Trust me everyone deserves to be treated as a normal person sometimes." I said. They went and introduced themselves and then we walked into the library. After I had dropped the books I was returning off at the check in I went to go see what book might interest me next. As I was looking through the books I felt like was being watched. I turned around to see that in fact all of them were watching me. "You know being stared at can get a little creepy after awhile." I picked up a book called Gone and read the insert. Hmm it sounds interesting, apparently all the adults disappear. So I picked the next two books in the series and head to the librarian to check them out. "Hey Tori, how are you today?" Asked the sweet elderly lady Mrs. Holt. "I'm good and yourself?" "Just swell dear thank you for asking." "Your welcome." After that I left and walked outside. The guys were still following me. "Well Tori we were just wondering if you would like to join us for lunch?" Zayn asked. "Uh sure where did you have in mind?"

"Well Niall suggested Nandos" Harry said. "Ok lead the way then." I replied. As we walked they started to ask me some questions. "Tori how old are you?"


"Are you in uni?"


"Any family?"

"Their still in America, I moved to London a couple years ago, just to escape something."

"So your living by yourself then?"


We made it to the restaurant where we were seated and the waiter came to our table. "Hi I'm Alex, I'll be your waiter. Can I start you off with some drinks?" He wrote down the guys drinks and then turned to me. "And you miss?" He asked with a big smile. "I'll just have a dr. Pepper thank you." He left after that and I turned back to the guys. They were all staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I asked

"No there isn't but didn't you notice how the waiter was looking at you?" Niall asked

"Um no, should I have?" I asked completely confused.

"He was obviously flirting with you." Liam said

"Hmm well clearly he wasn't doing a good job hoping I'd notice. Besides I'm not looking to get into a relationship anytime soon." I said

"Why do you already have a boyfriend?" Louis asked

"Nope, I'm just not interested in that at the moment." The waiter came back and asked us for our orders. Again I let the guys order first. "Tori do you know what you want?" Niall asked

"Oh um I'll have the uh peri peri chicken please." I mentioned to Alex. He wrote our orders down and said they would be ready in a few minutes.

"So Tori, what's your favorite color?" Zayn asked

"Brown." And that's how the rest of lunch went them asking questions to get to know me and vice versa. When our food came we all started eating. Once we were done and Alex returned, I asked him if he could separate my order from the others. "No don't do that, we're paying for hers." Louis said

"That's nice but really I got it."
"To late it's already done, besides we invited you." Liam said.
"Well thank you." We got up and head to the doors. Once outside we just kind stood around. "Well it was great meeting you but I need to head home now." I was about to leave when they stopped me. "Wait it's getting dark out, how about you come over to our flat and hang out?" Zayn said.

As I was about to tell them no it decided right then to rain. "Really right now? When I'm on other side of town." I grumble. "Well now that it's raining and our flat is only two blocks that way, you can stay with us tonight." Louis said. "Ok fine." We started to walk with them leading the way. Once we made it to the building and got inside the lift, I noticed how cold I was, from being drenched in the rain. We made it inside their flat and I was stunned by how clean it was, considering five guys in their twenties lived here. Liam came up to me with a pile of clothes. "These are some of my sisters clothes you can change into so we can dry yours?"

"Thank you, where's the bathroom?"

"It's down the hall on the right." He pointed out and I made my way there. As I changed I noticed my hair was a complete mess so I out it up in a pony tail. I walked out an found my way to the living room where the guys sat on the two couches. "Um" they turned to look at me and just stared. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked

"How about a movie?"

"Sure." I say in the only available seat and that was next to Louis. "So what movie?" "How about the Avengers?" We all agreed, me especially, since they found out I was I huge nerd. We got settled and started the movie.

I must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie because next thing I know I was hearing voices. "She looks so peaceful." "Yea, maybe we should wake her though and take her to the guest room?" "Yea sounds good." I felt someone shake my shoulders and I lazily opened my eyes. "Tori I'm going show you the guest room okay?" One of them said. I nodded and let them guide me. Once we made it to the bed in the guest room I was put under the covers and felt some one kiss my forehead before they said sweet dreams and left. I was instantly asleep again.

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