Chapter 2 : Going To The Zoo

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But like any other night my sleep wasn't peaceful. I woke with a jolt and  notice I was sweating. These nightmares are getting worse. I decided to go and get a cup of tea, that always seemed to work.

As I made my way to the kitchen I noticed Louis sitting on one of the bar stools. "Couldn't sleep either?" I asked as I walked in to the room. "Yea, I've been having trouble sleeping lately." I nodded in understanding as I got the kettle and filled it with water then put it on the stove top so the water would boil for tea. As we sat there in silence waiting for the kettle to signal it was done, I decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Not really, why can't you sleep?" Just then the kettle whistled. I got up and found the tea cups, brought two down and pour tea in each cup. "What do you like with your tea?" I asked him with my back still towards him. "Just sugar, thank you." "Your welcome."

Again we sat in silence, just sipping our tea and looking at everything but each other. It was Louis who broke the silence this time. " So why couldn't you sleep Tori?"

He's clearly not going stop asking. "I had a bad dream that startled me, but tea usually helps me to calm down to go back to sleep"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"Not really, I just met you today."

"True, so how are you liking London?"

"I like it a lot, I needed a change of scenery."

"It's good to have a change sometimes." And then we were in silence once again just sipping our tea. "Well the tea has apparently worked its magic, so goodnight Louis."

"Goodnight Tori."

I went back to bed and hoped that I wouldn't wake up screaming and waking the guys. Who would think that after what I went through that I would feel completely safe with five guys that I barely know.  Soon I was back to sleep for the rest of the night.

I woke to the sun shining in through the curtains, what time is it? I looked at my phone and jolted awake, it's past 11 am. I've never slept in that late, I'm usually up by the crack of dawn. I get up and put on my clothes from yesterday after I had gotten them back from Liam. Once I was dressed and redid the pony tail I went down stairs and into the kitchen where everyone was gathered. "Good morning guy's". I got a chorus of morning afterwards. "Here we made pancakes for breakfast.' Harry said as he handed me a plate with the pancakes covered in syrup. "Thank you" We sat there and ate, once everyone was done and a lot of grumbling from the boys I did the dishes. "Well thank you for letting me stay the night but I should get going. It great to meet you guys bye." I headed to the door but was stopped when I felt a hand grab my arm and the touch gave me goose bumps. "Wait, what are you doing today? We have the day off, have you been to the zoo yet that just opened?" Louis asked.  "Well I didn't have anything planned and I haven't been yet why?" I asked him in return. "Would you like to come with us?"

"Sure, I just want to back to my place and change first."

"Alright, we will come with you that way all we have to do is head straight to the zoo after wards."

"Sounds like a plan." With that we were headed to my apartment. it took us a good thirty minutes to reach it. Once we reach my front door I get my keys out and open the door. "Make yourselves home I'll just be a few minutes." I say over my shoulder as I head to my room. I see the guys settle around my living room on the couch and chairs that came with the place. I rummage through my dresser for the necessities before I going into the connected bathroom and take a quick shower. But like any other shower once that warm water hits me I forget about everything and start to sing, unfortunately for me I always end up singing Diana, and not in a low voice either. But my mini concert is over I wash my hair and body and get out to dry off. Once I have my bra and underwear on I wrap my extra towel around and to back to my room to get dressed. I look into my closet and pull out a pair of black high waist destroyed leggings and grab my favorite band, which is a Def Leppard shirt. Once I'm fully dressed I finger brush my hair out and decide to leave it down instead of my usual pony tail. I grab my nude lip gloss and put a little on brfore I put it in my pouch and then I grab my black converse after I grab socks first and put them on. I look in my mirror and give a nod in approval and head back out to the living room where I see the guys whispering about something. Please tell me that the water drowned out my singing and they didn't hear it.

"Hey you guys ready to go ?" I say to get their attention. At the sound of my voice they immediately turn around and look at me. I can tell their surprised by my outfit because it's completely different to the light wash blue jeans and the sweater I had on before. The thing that's the same is I kept my glasses on. I never really liked the idea of contacts for me.

"Y-yea we are." Louis was the first of them to speak. I brushed it off and headed to the door. Once again when we got into the car it only took us about 30 to 45 minutes to reach the Zoo. As we made our way to the booths to purchase our tickets I got my wallet out ready to pay for myself, but next thing I know Louis is shoving a ticket in my face. "What's this for?" I ask

"It's your ticket," he says looking confused.

"But I was going to get it."

"That's ok, I invited you so least I could do is pay for your ticket." He says.

"Thanks but that's the last time ok? I really like to pay my way in places like this." I say and his smile twitches for a second but I can tell he understands by the way his face brightens even more a moment later. "So where to first?" Niall asks once we all made it through the gates.

" Monkeys!"

No Reptiles!"

"No lets go to the big cats!" Everyone starts talking at once.

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