The Cabin

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I ran as fast as I could through the woods, the only thought going through my mind was; where was Molly, who the heck was in my house, and are they following me? My heart and mind were racing and my adrenaline had kicked in the second my backpack hit the ground. I had no idea where I was going but all I knew was that I couldn't stop until I knew I was safe.

By the time I slowed down I had at least ran three miles and I didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. I could still feel someone behind me and as much as I wanted to find out who it was I wasn't ready to fight. I had only gotten a few more feet before I tripped on some roots and came crashing down. I laid there for a few seconds clearing my mind. I pulled my self into sitting position and looked around, my head was spinning and my arms and legs were covered in sweat and blood.

When I tried to stand up I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I let out a loud cry and then quickly covered my mouth and looked around. I couldn't hear anyone moving and I wasn't sure if I should be relieved or worried. I went to pull myself up again, using the tree next to me for support. I tried applying pressure to my foot and gasped in pain. I knew I had sprained it so I frantically looked around for a big stick so I could improvise and use it as a crutch. After a couple seconds of searching I found one and hobbled over to it.

I limped my way through the forrest getting further and further away from home. Without realizing it I started thinking about Dojo, I missed him so much. I couldn't even imagine being out here for as long as he has been. I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat so I quickly changed the subject, instead I thought of the stallion. The beautiful bay stallion whom I haven't seen since that day. The lump started forming again, but before any tears could spill I saw a light. I squinted looking deeper into the forrest trying to make out what it was. I started moving faster because I had hope that I could probably get some help.

As the trees cleared out of the way I could see it was clearly a log cabin. And by the looks of it I could also see it had been used recently. I slowly crept up to one of the windows and peeked inside. No lights were on other than the porch light. I made my way around the cabin trying to make as little noise as possible. A small barn was placed in the back of the property and for some reason I felt the need to go to it.

When I got to the doors I was getting a weird vibe. I quickly looked around making sure no one was around. It was getting dark so it was hard to see. I squinted at the house but I didn't see anyone. So without giving myself time to freak out again I gently pulled the door open, but only enough for me to get through. It was extremely dark other than the faint light coming in from the crack in the door but I knew it wouldn't last long, the sun was setting quick. It smelt like a normal barn, which made me think maybe there were horses around somewhere but I hadn't heard anything.

As I made my way to the back of the barn, trying not to be to loud with my stick cane, I heard a soft rustle. I jumped and looked around but didn't see anything so I kept moving forward. When I stepped forward I accidentally sent something flying across the floor. I limped over and picked it up it was too dark to see what it was but I knew it was a neckless, I put it in my pocket and kept moving forward.

When I finally made it to the back of the barn I heard another rustle and a soft knicker. My heart started to race a bit when I heard the knicker, because I knew it from somewhere. I started hobbling faster and faster to the back stall and looked in. I could barley make out the outline of a horse with a strikingly similar build to Dojos. My heart was still racing and my hands were shaking as I undid the latch to open the door. The horses head flew up and it made it's way over to me.

When I put my hand on its neck to pet it I could feel the mud caked into his coat. I could also feel something else but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The horse nudged me with its nose and started moving it's lips around on my shirt. I had to know if the feelings and thoughts I was having were true I pulled off my belt and wrapped it around his neck and led him out of the barn.

When the light hit the horse my heart melted and tears pored out of my eyes, because there,right in front of me, proved that the thoughts and feelings I had were not false.

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