Chapter 2

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You began to gain consciousness as you slowly try to open your eyes. Your head still feels dizzy and you groan as you try to settle and calm yourself down. You keep your eyes close for a few more minutes before opening them to find yourself in a room. You looked around your surroundings and you realize you are on a bed. The room is an abandoned hospital room like the ones in a horror movie. It was dark and your heart began to race like crazy. 

The memory of everything that has happened all comes back to you at once. The boys leaving you in the car, the boys not leaving the store and the dark figure. You close your eyes and pinch yourself, thinking that you are dreaming but when you opened your eyes, you were still in the room.

"This can't be happening. I must be dreaming."

The room is cold and you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to create warmth on your skin. Your mind returned to the boys again. Are they okay? Are they hurt? Are they in the same situation as you?

Where are they?

You are so confused about everything that is happening. Why is this even happening? You never did anything bad in your life to deserve this. Yeah, you threw cold water on your brother while he was sleeping but that's what siblings are for. 

You looked over at the door and it's wide open. You think about if you should leave the room and look for the boys or should you stay and wait for something to happen. You slowly and quietly get off the bed, your legs shaking so much that you could barely stand on your own two feet. You make your way to the door and stepped out into the hallway. 

The hallway was dark and spooky as well. 

Your breath quicken as you watched both sides of the hallway. You felt in your pocket to hopefully feel your phone, and surprisingly it was there. You looked on your phone and it had no calls and not even any messages from any of the boys. You thought about calling the police but you don't even have any idea where you are. You have to find the boys and you all could get out of here.

That's if they are even here.

You put on the flashlight on your phone and you took a deep breath before facing right and slowly taking your time down the hallway. Your breathing got louder as you continue down the corridor.

"You can do this Y/N," you whispered to yourself. "You just have to find the boys. That's all."

You continued going, having no clue where you are and where you are going. The only sound you hear is your breathing. It was so loud that you couldn't even hear your own footsteps. Then out of nowhere, you heard the sound of your phone. You jumped and almost dropped it on the floor. You began jumping for joy on the inside when you thought you finally got a text. 

"Maybe it's from one of the boys."

When you looked at the text, your happiness faded away and was coated with even more fear.

When you looked at the text, your happiness faded away and was coated with even more fear

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