S2: Chapter 2

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This chapter is available on YouTube.


You woke up but your eyes were shut tight. You could hear the sound of static and someone moving around tools. You felt pain around your choke and the memories of what happened quickly came rushing back. You realized you were lying down and you tried to open your eyes. You couldn't fully open your eyes but you could see dim lights that were blinding your vision. Your vision was blurry but you looked around and you saw a figure moving, its back facing you.

You tried to move your hand but you realized you were strapped down. You looked around you and you could see mini televisions on the walls but they were all showing static. So that's where the sound was coming from. The figure was working on something, you couldn't see what but the televisions suddenly came on showing different rooms. There were 16 televisions in the room.

The figure turns around but its face was covered with a mask. He came closer to you and you knew exactly who it is. The body, his movements. It's Minho. You tried to say something but you felt the pain around your throat again. He chuckles and takes off his mask, bringing his face closer to yours. "Long time, no see." 

He caresses your face slowly and you tried to pull away from his touch but he grabs your face, squeezing it. He gets closer to you, too close, and kisses your lips. You couldn't get away as he squeezes your face harder. You struggled to get out of his grip as his fingers sink into your cheeks which made him chuckle harder. "I remembered when you only wanted to kiss me. I guess you only want to kiss Jimin now. That asshole." 

Minho returned to the table he was working on, his back facing you again. "Where are my daughter and Jimin?" you asked trying to get your hands out but it was useless. Minho doesn't reply or turn around. You looked around the room to see if there is anywhere to escape. "Don't even think about it. You need a key to get out of those straps." 

"Where are my child and husband?" 

"Don't worry, they are safe. Kind of." He pulls a chair and sat next to you, playing with your hair. "That little girl was supposed to be my kid. I am really disappointed in you. It would be fun to see what kind of danger I could put her into considering she isn't mine." You don't know where you got the courage from but you spat directly into Minho's face. "Don't you dare put a hand on her."

He stopped playing with your hair and began to laugh as he wipes the spit off his face. "You wouldn't get away with this. The other guys are going to realize we are missing and you would be done for." He began to laugh even harder and you swore he has gotten more insane the last time you have met him. "You see those televisions?" He points towards the televisions in front of you. "Each one shows your friends, husband, and even your daughter. We are going to watch them either save themselves or die." You looked closely at the screens and you realized that you could see the figures of the people you know. You could also see hallways on some of the televisions as well.

On one of the televisions, you could see D/N curled up in a corner in a room, her knees pulled against her chest with her face buried into them. The guys were still unconscious besides two. You could see Namjoon banging on a door and one of the guys chained by the neck trying to free themselves. "You can't hear them of course but they could hear us. It feels good to watch you watch them trying to save themselves and you can't do anything."

"Please don't hurt any of them. I would give you anything you want." Minho ignores you and picked up a phone from the table. He dials a number and looks at you as he waits for the person to answer. "I am ready to begin," he said and he looks at you in confusion. "Who should we start with? Let's start with Taehyung." 

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