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Pov perrie

"Babe I can't believe you and Jesy did this! We are going to Miami! This is amazing! OMG! aaaaaahhh!" I yelled. "Pez, baby, chill you don't have to yell people are staring at us." Jade said to me. "I'm sorry but I have no words!" "Yeah I saw that.." Jade says sarcastically and I giggled.

"Jesy, this is awesome thank you so much!" Leigh said to her girlfriend. "Jade came up with this idea you should thank her babe." "Well, thank you Jade!" Leigh-anne said. "No problem I just wanted a nice vacation with you guys and my beautiful girlfriend." I smiled at Jade and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I grabbed Jade's hand and walked to the plane. "LETS GO TO MIAMI, BITCHES!" Jesy shouted and we all laughed at her.


Pov Jade

"Okay, me and Pez have this room and yours is on the other end. We will meet up again here for dinner togheter." I said and the others nodded their heads. "Okay, bye babes, see you tonight." Jesy said and left with Leigh to their room.

We went inside and the only thing Perrie did was just standing their with her mouth open. I smiled and went up to her to put my arms around her back. "Do you like it babe?" I asked her. She nodded her head and turned around to kiss my lips. "I love it Jadey." She smiled.

"What are we going to do now?" Perrie asked. "How about we go shopping because I forgot to bring my bikini." "Are you serious Jade you forgot your bikini?" Perrie laughed. I pouted and nodded my head. "Silly. Okay let's go shopping then!" I smiled at her and took her hand.


"How about this one?" I asked Perrie. "I love it you should take this one, you look..." Perrie mumbled the rest. "I look what?" "You look...." She mumbled again. "Babe!?" "SUPER SEXY!" she accidentally said to loud and blushed. I smiled at her and gave her a hug. "Aw thanks baby!" I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. She smiled while I went back to change in my beach outfit.

"That will be nine fifty." The man said while I paid. "Thank you and have a good day." He said. "Bye." "Where do we go next?" My girlfriend asked me. "I don't know we have a hour left till we go and eat. So maybe we should go back to change and then to cuddle." I said a bit shy. Perrie smiled and said yes. She grabbed my hand and we went back to our room.


"Hey girls!" Leigh-anne yelled. "Hey Leigh Leigh" Perrie said and hugged her while I did the same with Jesy. "Are you ready?" I asked them. "Yes, where are we going?" Jesy asked. "Oh, I saw a tiny restaurant near the beach, maybe we should go there?" Perrie said. We all agreed and went to the tiny restaurant where Perrie was talking about.


"Here are your orders, enjoy!" The waitress said while smiling at Perrie and I glared at her. I stopped when I felt a hand in mine. I looked up and saw Perrie smiling at me. I smiled back and went eating.

"OMG this is heaven!" Leigh-anne said. "Yes, it's really good." I said. And we all went back to eat and tell each other storys.

When we where done Jesy was paying the check and the waitress still looked at Perrie. When Jesy was done, the waitress came to Perrie and gave her a note and a wink. "Give me a call cutie." She said. I was about to say something but the Perrie interrupted me. "I'm sorry, but I have a beautiful girlfriend on my left here, so I won't need it." Perrie said while giving the girl the note back. I smiled at her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek and whispered in my ear: "don't worry babe, no one is gonna steal me away from you." I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

We where now back in our rooms and me and Perrie where cuddling while watching a movie. "Jade?" Perrie asked me out of no where. "Yes?" I answered back. "I need to tell you something important." She said making me worried. "I love you." She said and looked me right in the eyes. I looked back at her with a shocked face. We never said it face to face. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." "No, no, Per look at me." ... "Pez?!" She looked at me and then I said "I love you too Pez." She smiled widely and then kissed me on my lips. It was the most passionate one out all of our kisses. We both smiled in the kiss and it turned soon in a little make out session.

When we broke apart we both said "wow" at the same time and smiled at each other. I cuddled into Perrie and soon we both fell asleep.


I didn't planned to make a new chapter now but I wanted to write something so here you go🤗🤗🤗


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