Chapter VII

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance

Chapter VII: I Only Dance With You

"It was the beginning of a new year, a new era, a new time. Leila Lannister was going to wed Rhaegar Targaryen a few weeks later where all around, there would be joy, celebration and heartbreak. Leila Lannister would always remember the splendid magnificence of her own wedding with a sense of longing. A longing to be free from the cage she had been placed in that moment she accepted to be the crown prince's bride."

-Maester Maekar, Chapter IV of The White Queen.

-Maester Maekar, Chapter IV of The White Queen

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K I N G' S L A N D I N G

IT HAD BEEN DAYS SINCE LEILA HAD MOVED TO KING'S LANDING. It had not been easy for her to leave Casterly Rock again after remembering all that she had missed when she had been in Dorne.

She had missed her family most of all and they were hard to leave behind for another time after all that she had not been able to experience with them. Leila missed Jaime's slow becoming into manhood, Tyrion growing into a fine young boy. Her uncle Gerion's jokes, uncle Tygett's unenthusiastic comments, uncle Kevan's concerned nature and her aunt Genna's brilliance.

They had healed her broken heart over the past few moons and she was thankful for it, thankful enough to wish them all by her side at all times. But sadly, lions need to stay at Casterly Rock to roar the pride of the family. They could not go with her. The only ones who were allowed to go with her were her sister Cersei and her cousin Jocasta.

Upon arriving in the capital, Leila was supposed to go to the Red Keep and come to the court of the king. But when they arrived, it was too late into the night and Leila knew that the royal court would be sleeping at such an hour. The only place that would always have an open door for her at whatever hour was her own manse in the other side of the city, near the port.

Leila had always loved the view of the sea, she would love nothing more than to live in quiet tranquility being able to look at the sunrise and sunset as it mirrored over the blue waters. Leila loved the blue waters so passionately that she often spoke about it and made sure she had collections that related to the latter. She once bought a street artist's sketch of the port in Sunspear when she went to Planky Town with Oberyn and then bought roll of golden silk with prints of fish and the sea in colorful light.

She wore that dress in court, which got quite a lot of compliments from the ladies and gentlemen of court. The king found that if she adored the sight of the sea then she deserved to have her manse near the port of the city, positioned to see the entirety of the city and the sea through the scope of the towers. Leila was awarded this during her investiture to a new title after the king made her one of his favorite courtiers.

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