Chapter 3

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"Hi sweetie" Berlinas mom smiled as she took Laura's bag. "Hey ma how have you been" Laura was slowly walking up the stairs as Berlinas mom started explaining how her day went, Laura felt guilty for not listening but she had some serious stuff to tell Berlina.

"Okay girl spill the tea" Berlina was pacing around her nauseating brown room. "Okay please dont hate me for this" Laura paused to inhale. "Okay I think,no I know I like girls" Laura collapsed onto Berlinas bed as she hypervenalated. "Okay wait what slow down honey why would I hate you? Youre no different now than you were yesterday! If you dont mind me asking howd you find out?" Berlina grabbed the hypervenalating Lauras hand. "Well I never felt the way I feel about Neila when I was dating Jermey I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Neila." Laura blurted out without thinking before she covered her mouth up.

"Did you say you're in love with Neila? You better not have," Berlina frowned. She gave Berlina a worried glance. "Damn it now I owe Elias $20" Laura was in shock she couldn't believe what she just heard. "What?!?!?!?" Laura laid on her back running the pink blanket between her fingers. "Oh yeah girl it's no surprise." Berlina gave her a smirk.

Laura let out an exasperated sigh, her wild thoughts running back to the day Berlinas boyfriend and Berlina had met Neila.

Laura felt Neila's soft hand intertwine with hers. Neila's eyes widened as they approached the couple standing in front of the movie theatre. "Hey guys this is Neila," Laura smiled softly looking at the couple that had obviously been making out before.
Neila beamed at Laura. "Hi nice to meet you guys I just moved here from California, sorry I'm rambling what did you guys say your names were again?" Neila waited patiently as the two explained that they were Berlina and Elias. Soon enough they were all getting along Berlina was even telling her stories about how she and Elias got together. " We just had too much in common to not fall in love I mean he's filipino, I'm filipino. It's a matchmade in Asian parent heaven," Berlina chuckled. Once the movie let out the crowd erupted into a howl of clapping before everyone left. "I had so much fun," Laura looked into Neilas blue eyes and smiled. "I did too! I love your friends" Neila saw the couple she had just met saunteering to their car bumping into each other gently, young love radiating off them. She hurriedly gave Laura a huge bear hug and walked to her own car. Laura's face turned red as she felt her stomach erupt into butterflies.
"Bye, Laura."

"Laura" Berlina yelled snapping Laura out of her flash back. "Boi I've been saying your name for 10 minutes jeez, do you want to watch this movie?" Berlina held up Romeo and Juliet in one hand and Dirty dancing in the other.

They settled into bed as they watched Romeo and Juliet. Their sobbing was drowned out by the crunching of popcorn. "Are you fucking kidding me why did they have to end it like that she was literally waking up" Laura shouted at the screen as she sobbed.

  Laura looked over to see Berlina chuckling as she held her phone recording Laura. "You're such a bitch" Laura got up and crawled over to tackle Berlina. "Noooooo stop give me my phone back" Berlina said in a southern accent while giggling which caused Laura to erupt into laughter. Both of them collapsing onto their backs.

"Umm girls you okay in here?" Berlinas mom walked in while the girls were laying down on Berlinas pink bed clutching their stomachs. "Ye....ahh..... why??" Berlina said while laughing. "Just so much noise keep it down" and with that she walked away.

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