I'm Miss SugarPink liquor, liquor lips

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    Entering the bar, I'm hit with the comforting and familiar smell of alcohol and cigarettes. The bright lights flashing, asking and inviting me to come in. The music blaring over the music speakers, yet my attention isn't on that. Hips swaying to the music as I walk, getting a round of shots. The liquid burns my throat, but holy shit do I love it.

When I'm wasted enough, I walk over to where I could really lose my money. Strippers. They fit in well with the song Bubblegum Bitch playing over the loud speaker. Shockingly, most of them are pretty hot, so as I look on the stage, I really don't expect to see what I see.

Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all.

    Looking on the stage I see a small boy, well he's a pastel, which isn't helping him size wise. His pink short skirt, barely fitting over his toned ass and the fishnet shirt, leaving nothing to the imagination.
   I'll chew you up, and spit you out
   I take that back, his whole outfit not leaving anything to the imagination. His at least 3 inch pink heels, adding a lovely touch to his outfit. The things I'd do to that boy....

     I'm Miss SugarPink Liquor Liquor lips.

     I can't really see his features well unfortunately, but I can tell he has short, curly and coffee brown hair. He's cute. I wonder if I could take him home tonight....
As his act ends, my eyes entranced as I follow him off stage, an unknown force pulling me forwards. He smiles at me, except it's a sly smile, one of which he knows he's got me hooked.

     "You new around here?" The boy asks, with a soft voice, a complete opposite of his act on stage.

    "Y-yea." I choke, not expecting his voice.

"I can tell, I'm Dan, I'm obviously a stripper here." The boy-well Dan, laughs.

"I'm Phil, can I buy you a drink?" I flirt, getting my bearings back.

    "You're offering a stripper a drink, and flirting? Damn you must be one courageous dude." He blows a bubble with the gum in his mouth, before nodding. He gestures towards the bar which a grin.

     I watch him carefully, his hips swaying with the music, not a care in the world, the pale pink skirt swaying with him.

    "Two shots please, one for him, another for me Dave." Dan smiles, watching the bartender intently.

      "Wait wait I thought I was buying?" I laugh.

   "Strippers here get free drinks." He winks at me, passing me a shot.

    "When's your shift over?"

    "Now, actually I was about to go home alone until I saw you. Give me a sec, and wait here."

     I watch him intently, well more like his ass... as he walks towards the locker rooms. He returns minutes later with a piece of paper in his hands.

     "Here's my number, get yourself home, Phil. You look wasted as hell, especially since you tried to flirt with a stripper. Go home." Dan smiles, kissing my cheek, before guiding me off towards the door.

    Considering I live like two blocks down, I don't really have to do much, except stumble along to my apartment, ignoring others. As I reach my apartment, collapsing into bed, waiting for the nasty hangover I'll have tomorrow. Grabbing the paper out of my pocket, I look at the haste scribble on it, with the name.

      Here's my number,
      Dan, aka Bubblegum Bitch


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