prologue: rule #13

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         julia carter tightened her ponytail and watched from the metal bleachers as the other girls were warming up for practice

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         julia carter tightened her ponytail and watched from the metal bleachers as the other girls were warming up for practice. the blonde needed at least one sports credit to graduate high school, so julia decided to get it over with in her freshman year instead of suffering next year or the following years after that. soccer and volleyball were the only two sports you didn't have to try out for, and julia really didn't want to get nailed in the head, so she chose soccer. coach anderson blew her whistle and motioned everyone to gather around so she could talk to them.

"alright girls, let's run some drills to get your heartbeat going," she stated while writing on her clipboard.

the girls made two lines and started dribbling and passing drills; each girl needed a partner. elle evans was the unlucky soul that got stuck with julia.

as the two got to the front of the line to go next, julia looked slightly down at elle, because of the height difference and grimaced, "i'm really sorry for what's about to happen."

elle was confused, but didn't get to ask before the ball was kicked in front of her by another teammate. she started dribbling the ball down the field and passed it to julia after sprinting a few feet. but when the ball came to the clumsy blonde, she tripped over the ball when she tried to dribble.

"you alright?" elle asked her as julia laid face down in the dewey grass.

she raised a hand and gave elle a thumbs up, "super, but i could use a broken leg or a concussion right about now," she groaned while she got up from the ground.

elle lightly chuckled at the girl's comment, "c'mon, it's time to pick teams."

julia scrunched up her freckle covered nose as they ran towards the group of girls waiting for them, "teams for what?"

the girls were divided into two teams to play against each other. the captain and co-captain picked their teammates, and julia was the last to be picked. she crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes while she walked over to the side that got stuck with her, "just like primary school kickball."

as the girls played, julia tried to keep away from the ball as much as possible until the coach blew her whistle and shouted her name, "carter! grab some gloves, you're goalie."

she nervously tugged the gloves on and made her way over to the goal. there was no way in hell she could do this. she was terrified to be on the field with a swarm of competitive, power-hungry, teenage girls, but being stuck in a net with nowhere to go and allow the same girls to kick a ball at you was about one hundred times worse. julia stood in the goal for about ten minutes before someone had finally got the ball close to her goal, and she was starting to think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad. until a rotten girl named miranda johnson shot the ball straight at her face.

so much for not getting nailed in the head.

when julia woke up in the nurse's office, she noticed elle sitting in a chair beside her. she smiled at the injured girl, "you almost got that concussion you wanted."

julia couldn't help but burst out laughing, which made elle grow into a fit of laughter. in that moment, elle knew that julia would be a good friend of hers.

the day after, she had introduced julia to her best friend, lee flynn. thus brought a new rule elle and lee had established that year. the rule they had made followed their notorious rule #9. as lee described it, a rule made to protect julia from making the mistake of ending up with the wrong person. it was a rule that they never wanted their newfound friend to learn about.

rule #13: julia carter is off limits to everyone

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