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In the morning ember leaves when the others do as Ozpin has called her to his office. Ember knocks on his door and she gasps when she sees the general and another man she doesn't recognize. Hello Miss rose the general says smiling don't worry you aren't in any trouble - she better not be. A drunk man says. Ember tilts her head as he looks vaguely familiar. Hello ember. Ember smiles when she sees winter. Winter smiles and says the headmaster said you did well yesterday. Ember doesn't say anything. Please sit down Ozpin says we..have a few questions for you about something that happened during iniation he says. Find out what she knows! A voice for the monitor says. In due time. Ozpin says I don't care - Ozpin clicks a button and cuts the man off. They're not gong to like that. The general says. Too bad. Ozpin says some of what we are discussing here is ...sensitive. He says. Ember ember looks up. Do you trust Miss Schnee? Weiss? No dear Winter. Ember's eyes widen. And she nods. He looks at Glynda and she sighs. The general says she's my most trusted specialist he says. She is a friend and college he says. What is happening? Winter says. Qrow raises his metal flask and says welcome to the club. Club? She says. Ozpin shakes his head and ember goes over to the man and takes the flask. The mans eyes widen and he nods and she sets the flask on the table. He doesn't pick it back up. Ember do you know this man? Ember looks and sees the man from the forest. That's Roman she says. Yes Ozpin says. Roman Torchwick the known criminal Ozpin says. Oh. Ember says. But he says yesterday he says he pulls up a video...he recused you and your friends didn't he? Yes. That wasn't the first time that you met him is it? No. I've seen him a few other times. Watching me but he never spoke to me much before then. He...just watched over me. This is where the feed goes ...shaky Ozpin says. And you're looking back and what did you see? He and his friend were gone ember says. Are you sure? Uh huh. Ok. Ozpin says. What else happened? He and a woman named cinder got into a fight. He said he's done whatever that means. I think I know what it means the man with the cape says. What? He pulls up something on his scroll. He hasn't been seen for weeks. He suddenly stopped ...allying with the fang he says. Instead people are writing about a dark angel on the streets. It's weird. He says. Ok. Miss Rose you may go. Thank you. Go on to the infirmary - the man with the cape stands I'll
Walk you. Oh..ok. Ember follows him from the room. She goes to the counter. Who are you? I' he says. Relationship? Ember go on to a room ok? Ok. Ember goes to her room (they had to get special equipment for her wings.) what is your relationship? Qrow sighs. Farther he says. You're ...yes. He says. And she...I'm not sure if she remembers. She's been through a lot. The doctor comes over to him after awhile. She's resting he looks at his form. Stay as long as you need to sir. Her team might be by later Qrow says I'll send them in. Qrow nods. He goes into the room and finds Ember reading a textbook.
Hey kiddo you're awake. Whatcha got there? Grimm studies ....the professor sent me the reading ...she makes a note in her journal beside some drawings and she says so..he sits down. So. She tilts her head. Have we met before? Yes he says. He stares at her open sketch book.

Later...Ember falls asleep reading due to the medicine they're keeping her on. Ruby,Yang and Blake come in and ruby says how is she? She's donin alright kiddo.
Ember stirs slightly and her face screws up into a grimace...The door opens and Weiss comes in. What do you want? Blake says. Professor oobleck and professor port asked me to bring her the homework she says. She goes over to the bed and sees the field journal and  textbook. She gently picks up the text book and the field journal. What is this? Qrow takes it and says maybe she got a special project? That's what it looks like Ruby says she has a profile on each Grimm...there's a note destroys armor no it doesn't Weiss says. I've tried that fire dust - she didn't say that Qrow says taking the book. She said fire not the dust. But what other form could she use it in besides dust? I'm not sure Qrow says he sits down and studies the journal. He flips through the pages and says just put whatever you brought on the table. He sets the journal down when Ember stirs again and she opens her eyes.

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