Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Is it true?


“Don’t believe a word they say,” Alec’s voice echoed in my head as I rode on the back of Jacob’s bike. After I demanded to hear the truth, Alec quickly hissed that sentence in my ear before I was carried to one of the bikes.  The ride back home gave me a lot of time to think. All of them seemed pretty mad when I demanded to know the truth about why they hate Alec so much. Alec had gone stiff and quickly whispered in my ear before he bolted. What the hell did he do that made them all so mad? Hopefully I was going to find out soon enough. As we pulled up to the house Alice and Rosalie came running out, grabbing Emmett and Jasper by the ears and dragging them into the house.

“They seem tense,” Jacob observed as he pulled of his helmet and ran a hand through his short spiky hair.  He put the helmet on the handle bars and turned around to face me,

“No, really? I haven’t noticed,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Jacob rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair.

“Always with the sarcasm,” he said, hopping off the bike. “Maybe I should get you to a doctor, it could be contagious.” He offered me a hand and helped me of the bike.

“Too late,” I mumbled as I took his hand. He had gotten stronger since I last saw him, he lost all of his baby fat and he cut off his long black hair. I think the spikes suited him. He grinned at me; it was a lovely, carefree lopsided grin like he had nothing to worry about.

“Do you like looking at me?” he asked cockily as he raised an eyebrow. He laughed when I stuck out my tongue and flexed his muscles, even though it was a playful gesture it really did show of his muscles. I never really noticed how hot Jacob was, he really grew up. Jacob grinned when I didn’t say anything and threw an arm around my shoulders. “Don’t worry Nessie, I know I make you uncomfortable,” he winked at me. 

“Uncomfortable?” I laughed. He pulled me closer and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“Yea, I am irresistible,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and pushed him away. He was such a goofball; he always knew how to make me feel better.

“More like irritable, don’t kid yourself Jacob Black,” I smacked him on the shoulder as we climbed up the steps toward the house. The front door was left open and the familiar scent of steak and veggies floated our way. Jacob sniffed the air and then groaned.

“That smells so good,” he said.

“Hey Jake, you got some drool on your face,” I smiled as I pointed to the corner of his mouth. He tried to bite it, but I pulled it away giggling. “You can stay for dinner you know,” I said.  I really wanted him there; it would easy the tension I knew was unavoidable tonight.

“Nah, too much drama going on here at the Cullen house,” he grinned and pulled me into a hug. I smiled as I hugged him back tightly. I was actually stressed about what was about to happen, I was not looking forward to the truth. It was nothing to look forward to, the truth is hard, sometimes it’s impossible, but I have to hear it. Jacob saw my worried expression and gave me a reassuring pat on the back.

“They make it seem like he murdered someone,” I said.  Jacob just shrugged and looked away. “Did he murder someone?” I asked. Jacob gave a nervous laugh, and shook his head.

“Don’t be silly,” he lied. I could always tell when he lied, he always blushed faintly and scratched behind his left ear.

“Do you know what he did?” I asked. Jacob shrugged and pulled me onto the porch and sat down on one of the benches. He patted the seat next to him and I sat down.

“Everyone knows what he did Nessie, it isn’t my place to tell you,” he sighed.

“I want the Cullens to tell me, they seemed to be involved in this. They hate Alec,” I sighed, lowering my head into my hands. Why the hell was this so complicated? Why couldn’t the guy I was in love with be a normal guy, who the Cullens didn’t hate? 

“They have good reason to, I suppose,” he said.

I shook my head. “If he didn’t murder somebody, they have no reason to hate him.”

“He didn’t murder someone Renesmee, he did something way worse.”

After The Adoption: A Twilight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now