Chapter 24

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Chapter 24






Death should be peaceful, easy, but I wasn’t at peace. My mind was whirling as I watched helplessly. Everything was happening in slow motion, I watched as the car rolled, once, twice, three times, shattered pieces of glass were everywhere. I could only watch, unable to close my eyes, horrified by the scene in front of me. I felt like an outsider, like someone sitting in the movies at the edge of my seat, gripped by the events that were beginning to unfold. I was having an out of body experience; I could see myself clearly, my body lying on the ground pinned underneath the car. The scent of blood and gas hung heavily in the air. Alec was lying a few feet away from my body, his body looked broken and he wasn’t moving. There was a blood seeping out of his head and his left arm was bent at a weird angle. His face looked peaceful, happy even. My own face though, looked haunted and dead. It was strange, seeing myself lying there, seeing Alec lying there, not being able to do anything but watch. I wanted to touch him, to tell him I loved him before it was too late.

In a flash I was back in my body, and then I started screaming.

The pain was excruciating, my chest felt like it was on fire, like something was cutting into my heart, like something was breaking all the bones in my body. I struggled to keep conscious, I needed to reach Alec. I screamed again as I tried to touch him. My shoulder was on fire and I could feel myself slipping into the darkness. It was there, beckoning me to fall into it, to just let go of all the pain. But I refused, I wanted, needed, Alec.

“Alec….please….” I managed to speak but it didn’t help. I knew he was gone.

5 hours earlier

“Have I told you how beautiful you are yet?” Alec asked, smiling at me. I blushed, taking his arm as he led me into the gym, where the dance was being held.

“You could stand to mention it more,” I joked and he laughed, kissing my cheek. The gym looked fantastic, Alice, Rose and Angela had been slaving away all week to make it look decent and they did a pretty good job. Small, twinkling fairy lights hung from the ceiling, giving the whole place a soft glow. The dance floor was surrounded by tables in white tablecloths with beautiful glass and white rose centerpieces. White rose bushes and floating candles lined the walls; there were already couples on the dance floor, dancing to Neutronstarcollision by Muse. I could see Bella and Jacob, sitting at one of the tables, they were talking and laughing. Edward was across the room, glaring at them. Rose and Emmett were on the dance floor, enticing everyone with their killer moves.

“Hey guys,” Alice said, bouncing over to us. “What do you think?” She asked, gesturing at the gym.

“It’s a bit over the top,” Alec said before I could answer. I glared at him but Alice just laughed, shaking her head.

“I'm glad you like it,” she smiled and bounced off again, probably to find Jasper.

“Come on, I want you to meet someone,” Alec said, taking my hand a leading me across the room to one of the tables. A girl with raven black hair and bright blue eyes jumped from her seat; smiling deviously at Alec she grabbed him into a tight hug. She was wearing a skin tight black dress that left little to the imagination and killer high heels, but she was still a whole lot shorter than Alec. “Hey Jelly Bean, how have you been?” Alec asked.

“Don’t call me Jelly Bean, Gummy Bear,” she snapped, her eyes shining with mischief.

“Jelly Bean this is Renesmee, Renesmee, Jelly Bean,” he said, sticking his tongue out at her.

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