Chapter 12

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(Picture of Kale to the side.)

Chapter 12

I open the coffee shop door, letting the bitter sweet aroma fill my lungs. The shop is nearly empty, leaving me here with the workers and woman sitting at the beck who clearly needs to get some sleep according to her eye bags. I step in front of the counter, eyeing the menu at the top. I’ve always wanted to get something different from the iced coffee I get all the time, but I feel like I will need it today.

“Hello.” James, the employee smiles. “Ready yet, or do you want the usual?” 

“The usual.” I reply. 

James has been working here for a couple of months. We’ve grown to become friends, but never really talked outside the coffee shop. He’s extremely nice and only a year older than me. He told me that he graduated last year, and now saving up for college. Overall, he’s an extremely sweet guy you can just have a chat with and talk about anything.

“Here you go.” He hands me an iced coffee, with my name written on top along with a smiley face in the end. The usual scribble on the side is there, is he still messing up my order?

I laugh “Still messing up my order I see?” I say pointing to the scribble. 

He smiles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Um, yeah.”

“Well, thanks for the coffee.” I quickly pay for my drink and drive to hell hole we call school.

I’ve never really hated school. If anything, I liked it. It was a place I got away from home. But today, I will have to spend three whole hours in detention after school because of the devil himself.

I arrive at school with the usual routine. I see the gang around, but I pretend to not pay much attention. At lunch, Mary kept pestering me about what things we should do. It’s not that I am not happy we’re now friends, it’s just that I don’t feel quite comfortable with it yet. The girl has been scowling at me for so long and now gets all giddy and flashes me a smile whenever she sees me. 

It is now the last class of the day, English.  Ms. Gillian continues to speak at the front even though we only have a couple of minutes left before the bell rings. 

I feel a nudge at my side, I turn to face a grinning Jay. 


“Excited for what?” I whisper shout.

“Ms. Traiton and Mr. Colton, can you please wait until class is over before you talk about your plans?” Ms. Gillian calls out on us, causing the whole class to turn their heads in our direction. 

“Sorry miss, Sade was just so excited.” Jay swiftly replies.

The class erupts in muffled laughs and his friends pats his back. I turn back to him eyes aflame giving him a cold dark glare, in which he returns with a smirk.

The bell rings, the students quickly grab their bags and running out the door. I take my time putting my belongings back in my bag to prevent me from going to detention any closer. I stand beside my desk gathering my pens and shoving them in the small pencil pouch I bought not too long ago. Suddenly, I feel someone’s presence behind me. The scent of spicy vanilla surrounds me and the hint of mint brushes on my neck. My back almost against him only leaving us a couple of inches apart. 

“See you there.” I feel him smirk from behind, his breath fanning my neck soon faded away meaning he left. I take a look around making sure no one has seen that. Luckily no one is around, not even Ms. Gillian.

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