An introduction

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Hi. I'm Narelle and this is my story.

There it is again. I know it's there, even though it's well into the night and the only light is the luminous stars in the sky. I can feel its stone cold eyes fixated on me, watching as I pretend to sleep. It knows that I'm acting, so I open my eyes. Right in front of me, is the black cloud that has been there for as long as I can remember. Even though the room is pitch black, the cloud is so much darker, like a dark vortex waiting to transport me to an unknown place. With an agitated sigh, I call out to it:

"Why are you here? What business do you have?"

To my neighbours, I must've sounded completely delusional, or like I'd lost the plot. However, to me it was truly terrifying, and a mystery I was desperate to keep unsolved. Of course, the stupid cloud didn't respond to my questions. How could it? It had no mouth, or any facial features, really. I was certain it had eyes, though, as it consistently followed me, without bumping into any obstacles. Wherever I went, whatever I thought, whenever I spoke; somehow this unknown, annoying 'thing' doubted me.

I tossed to my side, focusing my attention onto the bland wall that I'd turned to. I was too tired to face the cloud tonight, and slowly but surely, I drifted to sleep (rather restlessly, if I might add). As I slept, I didn't dream of anything. I rarely did- creativity wasn't my strong suit. Either most of my nights are dreamless, or I can't be bothered to remember what I dream about. Either way, I slept right through to dawn.

End of Chapter One
Thank you for reading! Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought! This is only an introduction, so the rest of my chapters are going to be MUCH longer. I hope you'll stick around to experience the rest of Narelle's story!

Follow me on Episode- buggy

See ya!
Buggy 💛 xx

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