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Since I was a child, I would often hear tales about vicious pirates roaming the seven seas. In a little inn where my mother worked as a waitress, a lot of sailors would often gather and retell about ruthless sea-robbers they had encountered, the bloody battles of English trading companies, pirates striving to dominate the seas of the Caribbean and the oceans of the whole world...

However, the most interesting were still the tales narrated by my mother. She would often tell me stories about a noble pirate who owned the fastest ship of all, and roamed the seas, constantly following the horizon and aiming to pass it. He was the smartest and bravest of all pirates, and never fought for an evil cause.

It was the stories about my father, whom mother had met in the inn where she worked. She would often tell how my father saved her from the soldiers whom she fought and, since she was a black woman, they had decided to kill her for 'insulting' them, but my father defended her and they both escaped. That was the day when my mother experienced what true love was.

However, as mother would often say, my father was a man born for the seas and oceans. He was not a man who could stay on the land for long. So, the time came, and he departed on his glorious ship far across the horizon, never to return.

My mother preserved his memories in her heart. She would often stand at the shores of the sea, looking far away at the horizon. That way, she could feel the bond with her beloved...

But I was restless. I could not get contented only by staring at the sea. I wondered who my father was, how he looked like, and what he was like. My mother would never tell me his name, but would often repeat that he was the noblest and bravest of all pirates known to the world.

Thus, once I grew up to my nineteen years, I decided that it was finally time to leave my maternal land and seek for my father in the seas...

So my adventures began.

The Birth of the Shark Tooth [Pirates of the Caribbean Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now