Michael's Friend

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Later in the day MICHAEL was lying on his bed still sulking after being caught by the police. He here's a tap on the window so he gets up and opens the curtains to see who it is. A young lad a few years older than MICHAEL was standing there. He had black slick back hair and a leather jacket on.


He smiles and opens the window to let RAY in. RAY enters MICHAELS room through the window and fist bumbs with him.

RAY: Hey Mickey.

MICHAEL: What are you doing here?

RAY: Heard you got busted by the cops!

MICHAEL: Oh that! No biggy! Just a fine and a slap on the writs!

RAY: What and your parents didn't get mad?

MICHAEL: Mad? Nah there cool! My parents let me get away with anything! (he lies trying to act cool)

JANICE and MADGE come storming into the room after finding out MICHAEL was brought home by the police!



RAY: Guess your parents as cool as you think!

JANICE: Who's this?

MADGE: You've got more front then Blackpool! What right do you think you have inviting friends round after you almost got nicked?!

JANICE: Yes, I can handle this mother! What right do you think you have inviting friends round after you almost got nicked?!

RAY: Calm down Mrs G! I was just leaving. (leaves)

MICHAEL: Great! You've just gone and scared away my old friend here in Vegas!

MADGE: You don't deserve and friends! You should hobble him!

JANICE: I can handle it mother! You won't be speaking to anyone again any time soon! (takes his phone off him)

MICHAEL: No! Give that back!

JANICE: You can have it back when you stop getting in trouble with the police young lad! Until then you can stay in this room!

JANICE and MADGE storm out and lock MICHAEL in his room!

MADGE: I still say you should've hobbled him!

JANICE: I think my method works fine mother! He won't be going anywhere!

MICHAEL goes up to the window RAY used to get in and decides to climb out of it. As he is climbing out he slips and ends up falling from the ground! He lands right in front of RAY.

RAY: Mickey! What are you doing?!

MICHAEL: I tried climbing out the window but I fell!

RAY: Yeah you really need to practice your "great escape". (He laughs)

MICHAEL: I think I've twisted my ankle!

RAY: Guess I'll have to take you home with me then!

RAY picks MICHAEL up and carries him away from the Garvey's!

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