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As the both Zircons walk down the halls they did their very best to look normal and professional as possible. They had to or they probably be shattered for escaping. Both Blue and Yellow did their best to avoid the odd glances, or the occasional hello which went well until the bumped into Red Zircon who was now standing in the way.

" Hello lovely ladies. Where are you two off to?" Red said while giving a rather seductive wink to both gems. Both knew how Red was and that she was was rather persistent and rather "Flirty". She was also very known for knowing when others lie. However, Yellow was the master at lying. She could work around Red very easy.

Yellow Zircon stepped forward and clearly her throat. She knew she was less visual lying when doing it. " Greeting, Red. We are off doing some research for a upcoming trial. We are really busy and we need to to get out of the way."

"I see. I guess you last trial went well? I heard from rumours it was important one" Red began, but stopped when she heard Blue speak up.

" YES!" Blue Zircon chimed in. Yellow quickly glanced at Blue and gave her a disapproving look, but Blue wasn't paying attention. " Yeah, went great. Yellow won like usual and she was perfect!"

Red laughs, clearly unimpressed. " You really got to improve on your lying...." Yellow of course needs to fix it. Ugh.

" Heh, you know Blue. She actually won, but is too embarrassed to say it." Yellow grins and turns around to pat Blue's shoulder harshly, which caused the Blue to yelp bit.

Red seems to buy it for some reason. " Interesting. Well congrats, Blue Zircon. I'll leave you you two alone."

Red gave both gem another " Goodbye" and quickly left. Both Zircon quickly hurried off out of the building before speaking up again.

" A-Are you mad! A-are you trying to get us shattered?" Yellow growled at Blue. Though they were indeed out of the building, they still were in danger. She had to stay professional.

" I was just was so nervous...." Blue blinks and gazes at the floor. " I should of never asked you to go..."

Something switches off into Yellow's mind. " Ugh, it's fine. J-Just let me do the talking next time. Okay?" Blue Zircon nods in agreements and Yellow continues. " Heh, I guess nobody knew Rose Quartz trial was on Homeworld other than few selected gems."

" Why were we picked? It makes no sense." Blue mumbled as she rubbed her shoulder from Yellow hitting her.

"Actually they picked us for a good reason. We are younger gems. We didn't know about her before this whole trial. It's easy to manipulate us in believing things. But you, you went for a different approach."

" I did that because that thing wasn't her! It can't be....." Blue shakes her head." It was stupid to say the Diamonds did something."

" You had a point. Things didn't really add up and you did your job. I was little shocked hearing that from you." Yellow quickly turns away from Blue after she seen Blue quickly look at her.

" I did-" Blue opened her mouth but was silenced by Yellow Zircon.

" Oh look, we made it to the abandon district!" Yellow announced at she uses her monocle to do some research on the area here. She begins to read to herself quietly, making few 'hmm' and 'ah' as she does so. Well, until her eyes came to the last paragraph.

" This area is under surveillance. Any gems presences here will not be tolerated and if found-They will be shattered ."

" Sounds great." Blue says sarcastically.

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