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Lilly:I will mom!!×Besides..This is my last day in this village and after tomorrow I’ll be moving×So,where will we go?

Kelly:At someone house(Smirk)


Kelly:You’ll see after we arrive there..


Hmm..I wonder who’s house that we were going at..I just follow them without knowing who house could it be because they never act like this before..Then,we arrive there..

Milly:Finally,we are here.. (Push the door bell)

???:Wait a second!!(Open the door)Hey Milly,Kelly,Lilly…It has been a while that we didn’t met..

Lilly:Uhh…How did you know my name?×His face seem familiar×

Gabbie:What?!Lilly?!You didn’t remembered me?I’m Gabbie..Your friemds in the other school…I know we has been friends for a long time than Milly and Kelly..

Milly and Kelly:Hey!!

Lilly:Gabbie?..O!!M!!G!!It has been a year!!(Hug Gabbie)..Sorry about earlier..

Gabbie:Nah…It’s fine..Well..Wait a second are you guys a group of couple?

Lilly:Not me..

Luke:Yup..She is..

Gabbie:Oooo…Who is he?Is he your boyfriend,Lilly?(Smirk)

Luke:Yup..We are..

Lilly:×Ugh…Why he tell them about this and now I can’t cover it again×

Milly:Wait!!What?!!But since when?!!Why none of you two told us about this?!!


Luke:While you guys are sleeping (😜)

Britney:But you guys doesn’t need to hide it from us because we know that you guys love each other..

Gabbie:Ooo..This is awesome!!All of my girl hanging out with their Valentine’s partner but so sad that I don’t has one anymore..By the way,come in guys..

Kelly:Well…How about Valentine’s card?Did you get any?

Gabbie:Well…I get so many cards but I can’t decided who I need to choose..

Kelly:What are you waiting for then…Let’s us see it..

Gabbie:Sure can..But promise me that you guys doesn’t tell anyone about this?

Lilly:We promise(attormey)

Oh my gosh!!I has met Gabbie today.. It was a miracle..Gabbie is my friends since my mother baby sit her at 5 years old..I though that I will not able to see him again..Zhe let us seen her Valentine’s card and her presents..We having so much fun hanging out together..Clock is almost turn to night and it means I need to go home before dinner..

Lilly:Guys..Look like I need to go home now..

Luke:Can I send you back home and make sure that you’ll be safe..

Lilly:Sure..See you guys tomorrow..

Luke:Cool!Maybe I will go home directly Britney..So..See you guys tomorrow and for Britney..See you later at house(😜)

Luke and me go home together and we holding hand..This is my first time got a guy like this…I never though that I will get a guy like this..Luke is bthe best boyfriend I ever had because before him,all of my ex-boyfriend never act like him..Then,we arrive at my house..

Luke:Here we are!!

Lilly:Thanks Luke..For send me back home..

Luke:You’re welcome..But before I go.. (Hold Lilly’s hand and then kiss on the cheek)..Bye my flower❤..See you tomorrow..Love you❤..

Lilly:(Blush)S-S-See you tomorrow..(Rush to her room)

After I came in my room,my mom called three of us..

Lilly’s Mom:Lilly?!!Raven?!!Leo?!!It’s time for dinner!!

Raven,Leo and Lilly:Coming mom!!

We go at the dining room..We go eat our dinner and we talk about what will we need to bring tomorrow..

Lilly’s Mom:How was your day guys?




Lilly’s Mom:Well…Lilly?..Where did you guys go earlier?

Lilly:Mom..Did you still remembered Gabbie..The girl that you has baby sit with that day..

Lilly’s Mom:Hmm..Gabbie..Oh..Remembered her now..Why?..Did you go at her house?


Lilly’s Mom:So,what did you guys do there?

Lilly:Nothing much…But only friends stuff..

Lilly’s Mom:Well..Tomorrow we’ll be moving..So,I hope you guys has already pack your stuff..Don’t be late after school..

After I finished eating my dinner,I go at my room..I go get my homework…Then,my phone ring..I wonder who could be messaging me..Hmm..Maybe it’s Luke or Gabbie..Maybe Michael?..My cousin..I don’t know..I better go checked who was that..I go checked who could it be and it was Milly..


Milly:{Hey Lilly..Are you at your home right now?We're worried about you}

Lilly:{I’m at home safely}

Milly:{We glad that you are safe..Luke said that he hate you}


Milly:{Haha..Just kidding😜..I mean…Luke loves you so much}

Lilly:{Wait..He is at your house?}

Milly:{Nope..But I’m in their house}

Lilly:{What are you doing there?}

Milly:{Britney said that she want to show me something}

Lilly:{Can I know whhat was it?}

Milly:{No..Because someone will be embarrassed if we told you about it}

Lilly:{Fine..Night Milly..I need to do my homework}

Milly:{Night too..See you at school tomorrow}


Luke:{Goodnight Lilly}

Lilly:{Night too Luke}

Luke:{❤🌷🌙..Love you}

Lilly:{Love you too}

Meeting Him Again(Season 1) Where stories live. Discover now