Chapter Twenty Six

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Jess's POV

I laid in his arms telling him everything that had happened through shaky breaths and tears but I managed to tell him. I could feel the anger like a fire through his body. I stared up at him.

"Hey" I whispered placing a finger on his chin drawing his eyes to mine. "It'll be okay"

"I shouldn't of let you got, I should of never let you go" He whispered pain spreading through his stormy grey eyes.

I wanted to kiss him to let him know I love him but I was scared. I was nearly raped I couldn't even think of kissing Sirius I wish I hadn't before. James knocked on the door. 

"How are you doing" James asked softly walking towards me. I just stared at him giving him not even a smile just turning up the corners of my mouth. 

"Now I know you've always like the idea of beheading but I think he might need a slower death" He grinned. 

A small smile spread across my face, he always knew what to say. 

"Do you want me and Remus to stay some where else?" He asked pointing behind him.

"No it's okay I think I might go to the Room of Requirement I don't really want to talk to the girls yet"

I stood up walking towards the door my fingers slipping from Sirius's.

"Do you want me to come" He asked softly.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand walking towards me.

"Aniek left you some clothes on the couch" Remus said walking in behind James.

I gave him a small smile before walking down the stairs. I smiled at the pile of clothes, she really new me. My favourite pajama top a pair of fluffy paints and my ugg boots.

"I'll be back" I said running up the stairs to my dorm.

"Jess" Brooke said jumping to her feet.

"Are you okay" Lily asked.

"What happened" Aniek added.

"Yes I am, well I think I am, I'm okay and Alex happened I'll tell you the details later" I answered.

"Okay" Aniek said softly touching my arm.

I held back tears holding myself together.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm okay and that I'm going to spend the night at the Room of Requirement with Sirius"

They all nodded, I gave them a small smile walking to the bathroom getting changed. I placed my clothes down on the sink turning on the water. I looked up at the mirror. I really shouldn't go to parties I thought. Remembering what happened last time. Hair a mess, makeup down my face. I stared to get undressed. Shaking and sobbing I removed my clothes images flashing through my head. His cruel voice echoing in my ears. I stood naked in front of them mirror, bruises where he held me down purple against my white skin. I started to cry silently but what I really wanted to do was scream and scream until my throat was raw and my lungs hurt. I slowly put my clothes on covering up my bruises. I removed my makeup and tied up my hair turning it back to blonde. I took some deep breathes before opening the door and walking out. The girls all gave me reassuring smiles as I walked down the stairs, Sirius was waiting. We walked carefully and quietly using James' invisibility cloak. I walked back and forth wishing for safety, a door appeared it was my door from home. Sirius opened it slowly. 

"Well no guesses who's this is" He joked, he was right my bedroom contained a large double which I had asked mum to help me magic a fort over seeing I'm not supposed to. Lot's posters, a very large book case, lots of vinyls and just being brightly coloured but the curtains were closed as usual, I love the dark. 

I walked over crawling into bed, I closed my eyes. Sirius followed hoping in next to me. I turned to him staring in his eyes. Before closing them and drifting off to sleep.

Sirius's POV

It wasn't long before she woke up screaming.

"Jess, Jess" I repeated "It's okay"

She stared into my eyes and all I saw was fear and sadness. I wanted to cry her pain was eating at me. She closed her eyes taking deep breathes and rolled over. I wrapped my arms around her hoping she would calm down and go back to sleep. It took about another four hours before she did.


The next morning I walked her down to the Great Hall. She had only got about two hours of sleep. Everyone stared at us as we walked in, She quickly grabbed my hand and I entwined my fingers with hers. She gripped tightly as she noticed Alex, I started at him ready to bash his head in but I didn't. I looked up to see Dumbledore staring at us, he rose his head and Jess nodded. I knew what this silent communication meant he knew and was asked if she was okay and that they needed to speak. Jess and Dumbeldore have had quite a few meetings on the grounds of her exchange and many on other things she hasn't told me about. We sat down at the table James on her other side. No one said anything at first.

"So quittich is starting first game Gryffindor against Slytherin you ready" Lily asked. 

"You actually know that" James blurted out in surprised, a blush creped up on Lily's cheeks as she nodded "I'm impressed, Do you know who's after that?"

"No only when Gryffindor is" She smiled.

"She just likes to memorises when you're playing" Jess said a little smile on her face.

Everyone began to laugh and I smiled squeezing her hand a little tighter, maybe everything will be okay. But it wasn't.

Hey guys! It's been a while, I've been finding it really hard to write recently but I trying to start again. Thank you for all of your support!!! 11k I can't believe thank you so much for sticking with me.

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Love you all my dear readers you're all sexy! <3

I less than three you humans 

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