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Sometimes we think that silence is all we have left. We can all try and be happy and normal from the exterior but deep down there will always be something that will haunt us for eternity. And what haunts me is my silence. I remember people spreading hate, bullying the weaker ones, I remember my friends getting caught in this web of drugs and money. But I never once tried to stop them. I remained silent, hoping one day they'll see sense. Sometimes they did but mostly they didn't. It haunts me that I didn't step in at the time to save them. But then I started getting older and my silence became my refuge. Not realising I was committing such a huge crime. Not realising that with every second of my silence a life is lost. I remember the air strikes on Syria, I remember so many bombs fell, so many lives were lost yet I didn't utter a word, Kashmir was under siege; the elderly, mothers, fathers, children dying; but all I portrayed was my silence. Burma burned; our muslim brothers and sisters tortured beyond belief; and no surprise I was still voiceless. Palestine slowly disappeared off the map still no words. I felt and I hurt for my brothers and sisters, I really and truly felt the pain but I didn't have words to speak....words to show my grief. I could not carry on this way, I couldn't let so many innocents die. How many more homes will have to be demolished, how many more lives have to be destroyed, how many more of our mothers will have to sacrifice their sons, how many more children will have to die, tell me how much more blood will have to be shed until we are free from the hold of the evil leaders. TELL ME.....WHEN WILL WE BE FREE?

We will be free when every single voice will rise against the oppressors, when we say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. When the people unite as one and we stand up for our rights as human beings. I will write, I will speak and I will shout and scream if I have to....to be heard above the silence that has been spread across the earth for too long. Its time to take back our planet from the hands of the corruptors. Lets not let a child go hungry, lets not let a mother lose another child, lets rise together so another father will not have to sacrifice his today for our tomorrow. Lets take back our media because once upon a time the media was our voice.


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