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"Please be my fake girlfriend.." He said

"No I don't want to be your fake girlfriend" I said

"Please... I beg on you... " he said and I'm shocked when he kneel down on my front... What the....  What will I do... He need my help .... Argghh if I accept his fake.. Fake girlfriend or whatever my peaceful life will be hell... Why in so many girls in this world why he choose me to be his fake girlfriend arghhh why me?...  I hate this jerk / Playboy in my front... But he need my help...

I will accept it or not...


How was it?  Yeah guys another yukook fanfic again hehe yeah I know 'My Ideal Girl' is not completed yet and I have so many stories that didn't completed too but my brain is going crazy if I didn't write what in my mind imagination is so wide😂 but I will update here every Sunday so support me huh😊💕 don't worry I will update on 'My Ideal Girl' too so hope you like this and support me💖

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