IHFGF 1:Meet the Playboy

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Choi Yuna's POV

What a peaceful day... The weather is good.... And my mood is good too... I think I'm gonna have a nice day today....

I'm in our school... It's our first day in school... I hope this school year will be the best school year I had haha just kidding cause we are not sure if this is my best school year or not right we don't know what will happen in our whole year in school...

I introduced myself...  My name is choi yuna I'm a top student here in our school I have a friend her name is hwang eunbi or call her sinb for short she is my one and only bestfriend here... Yeah I only have one bestfriend... But I'm close to all of students here I'm just focusing in my only bestfriend cause all students here is have their own bestfriends then I have one and it's sinb only hehe...

I'm grade 10 student.....

I went to my classroom and sit in vaccant seat...  Hayss what's going on here?... All the girls here is scream and shout harshhh the women now is different... They just scream and shout on the hearthrob boys here or whatever they call their crush.... Ohh I want you to know that I HATE BOYSSSS!!!!  Yeah you read it right I hate boys... And I hate PLAYBOY AND JERK boys tskk they just give a heartaches on the girls heart... After they done to you they will leave you and left you with your heart broken... They are best on playing a girls heart... Arghhh I hate boys so much... If you think that I hate boys because I'm broken hearted hell no! I don't experienced that I don't have a boyfriend I'm single until now you know haha I just hate boys not because they play my heart and broke my heart in past No!!... I hate them because many girls I know is broken hearted and crying because of boys hayss...

I look on the window... What a beautiful nature....


I look on the person called me..

"Ohh sinb whaa I miss you" I said and hug her

"I miss you too" sinb said and give me a sweet smile

I give her a sweetest smile of mine too

She sit beside me....

And minutes past the bell rang signalling that the first class will start... And teacher enter in our classroom.... They just introduced their self and students do the same too....


*Time Skip

Yehey!!!  Recess nahh!!!  Sinb and I go to the canteen to eat ...

When we are now in canteen girls start to scream and shout again arghh it's so noise here... Why they need to scream and shout when they saw their crush arghhh my eardrums ....

Sinb order our foods and me waiting here in our table....

"Look on my jungkook oppa he is so handsome " girl said

And who is jungkook guy that they call oppa I don't know him and his name is not familiar on me maybe he is not in the same section with me or he is in different section or school year arrghhh whatever it's not my concern if he is not my classmate or not.... Tsk

"Yah! My taehyung oppa is more handsome in your jungkook oppa" I heard other girl said

Haissh who that taehyung guy now... Girls now is focusing on boys or in their crush instead in their studies... Lovelife just ruined your life why they don't think their studies first before flirting with their crush or boys... Hays

And sinb went back with a carbonara and spaghetti... Whaaa my carbonara!

"Thanks sinb" I said and give her a cute smile...

"Welcome" sinb said and sit in front of me...

And we eat our food..


We done eating.... Ahhhh my carbonara is so delicious ahh erase the 'my' word haha cause this is not my own cook ...


When we are walking in corridor we saw a group of girls in front of our classroom...

"Yuna I heard that the 2 boys from 10-3 (or should I say in third section) is transferring in our section. " sinb said wait what?!!! 2 boys from third section transfer in first section how they do that?

"Wait what??!!! " I said

"Yeah that's why many girls here in our corridor... " sinb said

I just nod my head....


While we laughing and talking to each  other I bumped to something that made my butt meet the floor... Hayss my butt is hurts...

I look up to see the guy staring at me....


"Yah!  You are the only one blocking my way" he said

Sinb help me to stand...

I face the man who bumped to me..

"Ohh so it's my fault" I said sarcastically

"Definitely yes" the man said

"Ohhh sorry not sorry ... It's not my fault anymore im not the one who running like no tommorrow and also Im not the only one who didn't look if there's a people or not tsk" I said and rolled my eyes on him

"Wow your so brave huh? " the guy said and smirk

"You know what you have a angelic face but your angelic face is not suit your Manners" I said

"Ohh thanks for the compliment on my face I know that Im good looking and you just want my attention then I will say that you caught my attention" he said what?!! me want his attention wow what a confidence haha he is a good joker...

"Me?? Want your attention haha in your dreams" I said and give him a 'Bleh' sign 😝 before me and sinb continue walking I bumped him again and rolled my eyes on him.... Tsk that guy get my nerves.... Arghhhhh!!! I hate boys so much!!!!

When we are now in our classroom I went to my seat with a poker face...

And sinb went beside me..

"I think yuna,you will be viral tommorrow haha" sinb said

I just give her a question look

"You are the only one that talk to jungkook and shout on him haha no one try to talk to jungkook like you did earlier haha" sinb said while laughing

"And why? " I ask her...

"Because he is the campus King here in our school and also known as a Playboy" sinb said

"So? " I said and give her a bored look

"Nothing...  I just want you to know that the guy you shouted earlier is have a many fangirls and if his fangirls know that you talk to their King and shout on him your peaceful life will be ruined and will be hell... So goodluck" sinb said

"Yah! Why are you talking to me like that....? You talking to me like you are not my bestfriend!" I said and give her a sad face

"I'm just concern on you hayss" sinb said

"What I do wrong?  I'm just defending myself and protecting myself... What is wrong on that? If they hurt me they are crazy why because they are not the one I shouted it's the jungkook guy  arggghh" I said

What if sinb said is true?  Arggghh my peaceful life... Will be ruined now just Because on that guy!!!

How was it? Hope you like it...
Sorry for some wrong grammar or spelling if have... So hope you enjoy this chapter💖


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