IHFGF 3:Their Other Side

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Choi Yuna's POV

Everything changed when I meet that two Playboy... No more peaceful life... I'm in hell now... Their fangirls always hurt me or bully me... And in my locker is always full of their letters but full of bad words or sometimes they insulting me... And always I have an extra uniform in my bag or locker because I'm always wet.. They always have an surprised on me but not surprised party or what.. Surprised to hurt me or bully me... When they done hurting me, bully me or have fun on me.. They will laugh all like no tomorrow ...  Arrgghh I hate this ...

It's been 1 week after I meet that two Playboy that made me experienced the hell...

Their fangirls is crazy why they hurt me or bully me... What is their reason of hurting me? Because of that two Playboy then it's all yours.. I don't have an interest on them... Arrgh I want to say that to them...

I never imagine this day happened...
I think god just challenging me well I want to say that this is very challenging god... Its really hard... I don't know what to do?

"Yuna, are you okey now?" Sinb said when I went out in cubicle...

"Sinb why I experienced this... I don't deserve this kind of life... I want a peaceful life... Like what I am before I meet that two Playboy ... Sinb huhu" I said and cry... She went to me and hug me...

"I'm sorry yuna... I can't protect you in those b*tch or girls that hurting you... All I can do now is comfort you.. Sorry" sinb said...

"Nothing to be sorry sinb... You are not the person that hurts me... It's okey sinb I understand you" I said and also I don't want to sinb involve in this... I dont want sinb hurt because of me... I prefer that I'm the one who hurt than sinb... It's hurts me when I see her crying or hurt...

Sinb break the hug... And look worried at me...

"Are you sure you want to go in our classroom? Are you sure youre okey now?" Sinb ask

"Yeah I will not sacrifice my studies to them noh haha and I need to maintain my high grades" I said

"Okey let's go" sinb said

And we started to walk ...

"Ahh yuna I have something to ask you" sinb said

"What is it?" I said

"Why you don't report this in our principal?" Sinb said

"You know me right? I didn't do that... I can't... I want to solve this problem in my own... It's my problem not their problem so I'm the one have a responsibility to solve this I don't want to bother them" I said

"Argghh you're so kind" sinb said with irritate tone..

"Haha because that's me" I said

"Okey.. Okey haha" sinb said


*At Classroom

When the teacher lecturing their lesson and I'm writing my notes...

"Ahhmm yuna" the man behind me say... Yeah his name is Kim Taehyung!

What is his problem on me? What??

"Wae?" I said while continuing writing my notes... I don't look at him...

"Ahmm sorry" he said that made me shocked and look at him

"Huh? Sorry for what?" I said

"For what my fangirls did to you" he said

"Ahhh it's okey it's not your fault" I said while giving him a fake smile I want to say to him that 'it's not okey, it's all your fault and also your jerk bestfriend jungkook!

But he say sorry so it's okey haha

"You know what? I'm not bad person like what you think about me... Yeah they called me a Playboy here but the truth is I'm not... But Jungkook is really a Playboy but not literally a Playboy he just dating a girl what he likes but he don't have any serious relationship... " taehyung said

"Ahh okey so you are not a bad person or Playboy or jerk hehe" I said he laugh at me that i find it cute.. It's my first time to saw him laugh haha

"Haha no im not.." He said

I just nod my head

"You know what I want to be close to you" he said

"Why?" I said

"Cause when I first saw you when you bumped on jungkook your so brave but when I saw some students hurts you or bullying you... I'm amazed cause you didn't report it in our principal.. Your so kind" taehyung said

"Ahh okey hehe" I said it's so embarrassing you know haha

"So can you be my friend?" He said

"Ofcourse you can haha" I said... I give a try on it and also I want to know about him.. If he is a Playboy or not...

"So friends" he said and offer a handshake ... I accept it and we shake hands..

"Corny!" I look at the man said that and it's the one and only the Playboy/jerk Jungkook

I just roll my eyes on him

"Don't mind him... He just have a period today hahaha" taehyung said that made me laugh

"Yah! My Alien Hyung what are you saying on that girl huh?" Jungkook said with death glare

"I just say on her that you're just jealous haha" taehyung said

"Me? Jealous haha" jungkook said

"Yah! My Cookies and Cream bestfriend your so mean haha" taehyung said

"Yah! Don't call me on that argghhh Alien!!!" Jungkook said

Haha they are so cute but I'm still hate jungkook and little bit in taehyung haha

"Hayss My Bunny Cookie is so cute hahha" taehyung tease jungkook again

"Yah! Dont call me on that when you say that I want to puke... You Alien" jungkook said and acting like he puked ....

They look likes a kids while they teasing each other haha... I think it's a good idea to be a friend of taehyung cause I will know them more... And I think they are not bad like I think cause seeing them teasing each other ... It's not their image being a Playboy haha...

But if their fangirls knew that im taehyung's friend.... I'm dead...

I don't know what to do?

But now I know their other side... I don't think that they have good side on their bad boy looks.. They have a cute side and that is how they teasing
Each other hahaha I want to know them more...

If they are really a

Good person or Bad person that I think that they are.....

How was it? Hope you like it guys..
Sorry for some wrong grammar and spelling if have... I update early haha so hope you enjoy this chapter💖


Rank #105 in playboy
Rank #6 in fakegirlfriend
Rank #295 in English
Rank #398 in enemy
Rank #70 in yukook
Rank #45 in bangchin
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Thank you so much guys!💕

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