(2)Someone is stalking

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Melissa threw her right hand at the other side of the bed to reach for the manly structure that gave her a night of abundant pleasure.

Unfortunately, she was greeted by a soft pillow. Opening her eyes, she looked around the room and saw her dress laying at the same place she took it off last night and looked at herself as she sat up naked.

There wasn't a sign of him anywhere in the room. His clothes were not where he dropped them and nothing about him had ever remained. Not even his strong masculine scent that was the mixture of lavender and strawberry.

Well at least the one thing  that was left to assure her he was no ghost was the burning sensation that had remained between her legs, from the last round of sex they had last night. It was like nothing she had ever experience before with Ceaser or not even any of her exes.

As much as she wished he had stayed till the morning, she was also glad he didn't. That would had made things difficult for her, because last night made her feel something she never thought she would. Sex had always been just sex to her but last night her perspective had changed. She had slept with a total stranger but felt like she had known him her whole life. Her lust for him turned into desire and despite the fact he was a stranger he'd called her names like baby, darling and never treated her like she was some sort of whore that he could command to bend over. Though she wouldn't have had a problem with it.

But her night with random guy number one was over and she need stop thinking about him. Tonight will be a different guy who will give her much more than he had and she will forget about him totally. She didn't even understand why she was thinking about him. Her night with him was over and she will never sleep with him again.

She mentally slapped her self out of her thoughts as she got up from the bed, taking her ripped panty with her and picking her dress from the floor. Before going to take a shower, she made up the bed and tidy the room. Although the motel staffs were going to do it, she just hate to see a place looking disorganize.

She scrubbed her body thoroughly and washed her hair getting raid of every ounce of last night sex from her body.

After she got out of the shower and got dress in a black Louis Vuitton jeans and a Chanel blouse, she dried her hair and took her computer out of her bag and sat on the bed with it. She put it on and decided to go through her emails looking for one that has to do with work. Well many of them had to do with work. There was one from Jason her only friend at the hospital, and others from various employees she knows and works with.

There was also a lot of emails from Kristina, Ceaser, her mom and dad. From the little reading she did, they were all talking about the same thing. How they are worried and she should quit whatever nonsense she's doing and go home. The last part was actually her mother saying.

She shut her computer and decided to go and have breakfast. Her tummy was now rumbling like an angry cloud on a gloomy day.

She went downstairs and greeted Kate, who didn't say a word and pretended to be very busy with something on her computer.

She being the person she is, decided to leave her be and go find a breakfast area in the place, not because she didn't want to eat the motel food but because she wanted to go out. She googled it and found a lot of places but she went with the one that looks very simple of all of them. She followed the direction given by the GPS and arrived at a place call, The Breakfast Club in twenty minutes. She got down from the car and locked the door. The place looked very simple and homey. She entered and was greeted by the smell of bacon and eggs which made her mouth watered.

She decided to take a booth at the far corner of the place and was seated for about one minute glancing through the menu before a girl dress in a short brown dress with a red apron came to her with a very warm smile on her face.

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