Hippie Rabbit Food

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Dean's POV~

Y/N kept quietly groaning in her sleep each time I hit a ache in her back. I can't believe we did this again. Of course when we got seductive in the impala I felt the heat between us. Y/N rolled and hugged around my waist. Her face buried itself into my hip. We seriously need to get dressed before Sam comes back. But I really don't want to move her. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and called sam.

"Hello?" Sam awsnered the phone.

"Hey sammy, where are you?"

"I'm on the way back, I'm only about 10 minutes away."

I panicked "uh could you do me a favor?"


"Ah Sam just do it. I need you to get some of your hippie rabbit food."

"You mean a like a salad?"

"That's it! Get stuff like that, hell get a bucket of fucking bucket of humus too."


"Because Y/N was bitching about our fast food. So get something to shut her up." I faked sounded annoyed over the phone.

"Fine. But try and fix things out better. I could hear you guys screaming at another earlier back at the job. I'll be back in a bit." Sam sighed.

"Whatever. Call me when your on the way back." I hung up and breathed out a sigh of relief. That will buy some time. She'll have some more time to sleep.

I ran my fingers through her hair just so my fingers could do something. I serfed on the channels. Mostly just infomercials. I took a second to note the peace. It's nice and still.

Y/N wrapped her leg around my legs, locking me in. She leaned her head more into my hand. Damn that was kinda cute. Her eyes slowly started to open and she just stared at me. "Nap good?" I grinned. She just kept a drowsy stare locked on me.

I leaned down and kissed her. I thought that would help her wake up but all she did was wrap her arm around my neck and pulled me in. I went with it. I pulled myself down to get a better angle. I laid intop of her and kissed her. She moaned and cupped my face. "Dean." She moaned and wrapped her legs around me.

"Now,now Y/N. Don't get to excited." I smiled so big while kissing her. She moved off of my lips and trailed down my neck and jawline. She sucked at my neck and tighted her limbs around me.

"Y/N." I tried to get her to notice. She grumbled and kept sucking at me. I looked down and she caught me off guard with a kiss to the lips. Damn it feels good.

"Y/N. Sam will be back soon." I tried to get her attention but she kept going . "Y/N."

"Dean." She kissed me against shut me up. Damn what's up with her?

"He'll be back soon. We don't have time for another round."

"Why can't you always be like this?" She whispered so lightly probably not meaning for me to hear it.

"Huh?" I leaned up and stared down at her. Her eyes went big before blinking. I noticed that right before she blinked her eyes were black. My hand went up and cupped her face. "Do that again." I whispered. She winced. She pushed her face into my hand and closed her eyes. My thumb rubbed her cheek. When I did she finally opened her eyes. She stared at me with black eyes. I get it. When her guard is low her eyes turn black.

"Yeah, I guess we should get up." She said letting go of my hand. She attempted to move out from under me but i caged her in. "Come on dean." she groaned and tried to move. I leaned down and whispered to her.

" "dont avoid me" "

she glared at me. "Just move."

"Well, when did we switch?"

"Dean." she growled.

"Y/N." i warned back. She gritted her teeth. I was pushed over and forced onto the bed. She used her demon force to push me over. "Y/N!" I lectured at her. She got off the bed and left me being pushed into the covers. "Oh come on Y/N!"

"Sit and be good!"

"No! Let me go!"

"I'll let you go when you leave me alone." she snapped and pulled on her panties. damn it. even though im mad, its a view i cant ignore. She looked at me and down to my hard on. "Really? Now?" I only gave her a shrug. She turned and walked into the bathroom, she glanced back at me and lifted her finger. All the weight left me. she left the bathroom door cracked. I practically ran.

I threw myself around her. I grabbed her waist and the back if her neck and pulled her closer. I kissed her. She bit my lips and licked them. Damn. Damn it! It feels so good. I balled my hand in her hair and moved her head back. I licked her neck. She throated a groan. "We have to go quickly." she said leaned over and kissing my neck. Ugh, I seriously could get use to this.

"Yeah, yeah." I said groping her underneath her panties. She grabbed my dick and started to rub. I was making out with her neck while I was rubbing her clit. Her legs kept buckling each time I rubbed her just right. She's trying to focus on rubbing me but she cant. Her legs buckled again and she held into my shoulder and burried her face into my chest. I grabbed her waist and threw her intop of the sink. I grabbed her knees and forced her legs apart. She was panting in my ear. "Dean." She grabbed my face and whispered that word Into my ear. I grabbed her and pulled her closer. I can't tell who's more wet. I positioned myself and slowly pushed in. Damn she tight. I forgot that I'm bigger than her, I see why I hurt her back earlier. She moaned and held into my neck. I grabbed her knees and pulled her off of the sink making her fall letting me completely in. She screamed loud and gasped. "Dean!" She tried to lecture me but her gasping cut her off.

"Sshhh." I kissed her neck and placed my hands on her butt. I pulled her up and thrusted as she fell back. Her hands grabbing at my shoulder blades and scratching them.

AN~OOOOOHHHH a whole Dean pov chapter hmmmmm?????? MUAHAHAHA btw if y'all want better updates and spams by this account then follow my wattpad instagram account @Rachelgladdenwattpad !!!!

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