Chapter 11

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His fight with Rhodey had cleared his mind in an instant, and the aftermath cleared it even more. Tony practically tore the suit off of himself as he moved quickly to Eve's side. In his drunken anger and hurt, Tony had injured one of his closest friends.

Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead. It was a mantra he repeated over and over in his head as he got to her still form. She had many cuts all over her, and there was blood seeping through her clothes, so it was hard to say where the worst of it was.

"JARVIS, run a scan, and get an ambulance here." Tony ordered.

"Already on it, sir." Tony could have sworn he heard a tremble in the A.I's voice, but he was too focused on Eve to give it much thought. JARVIS was just as worried. He feared the worst, but when he scanned her body, JARVIS was relieved to see that she was not in danger of death. She was only injured badly, but he had informed the closest hospital to what had happened and to immediately send paramedics to the building.

"Report," Tony said as he kneeled down next to Eve to touch her neck, feeling for a pulse. His voice shook as he spoke, trying to fight away tears. He was terrified that Eve had suffered for his stupidity. That she would be yet another thing he would regret for the rest of his life.

Pepper and Happy came back once they were sure everything had cooled off, but as soon as they did, Pepper screamed when she saw Eve. "Eve!" Rushing over, pepper knelt down on her other side. Happy quickly made his way over as well, worried about the woman himself.

"What happened? Did you call an ambulance?" He questioned. Pepper cried as she looked at her friend being in such a state.

"JARVIS," Tony rasped, finding it difficult to talk. "He called them."

"Ms. Porter will be alright after the appropriate medical care." JARVIS spoke up. "The paramedics are here and I am letting them up as we speak." As soon as he said that, the paramedics came through the elevator and walked inside with a stretcher.

"Move aside, please." One of them instructed. They checked Eve's vitals quickly, focusing on getting her breathing before getting her set up on the gurney. "Two people can ride with us to the hospital."

"I'll follow behind." Happy said, already knowing that Pepper and Tony would want to go with her.

"If I may," JARVIS said as they all got ready to leave. "Take a pad with you, I'd like to ensure she is alright myself." Tony, in his effort to keep himself together quickly moved to grab his phone, keys and a random small screen pad before they all went down stairs to head to the hospital.


When she awoke, Eve found that her throat was dry and she hurt all over. The last she could remember was coming between Rhodey and Tony before she was hit with the blast that she tried to control. Then, a voice shouting her name before nothing.

Eve swallowed to coat her dry throat, but that just made her cough. Opening her eyes slowly, she groaned softly as she felt the pain get bigger and felt dull aches all around her body. Glancing around the room, Eve saw that she was in a hospital bed, and that she wasn't alone. "Here, drink this." Tony said as he offered her a styrofoam cup.

Eve took a sip, thankful for the water. "What happened?" Eve asked. "How long have I been out?"

"Two days." Tony replied. Eve looked back at him and saw that he looked rough. He looked both stressed and a little relieved. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I'm so sorry."

"Tony, it's okay," Eve replied. "I'm alright."

"But you're not," Tony laughed without humor. "You're hurt, you're laying in a hospital bed, already having given us two scares that you... that you weren't gonna make it, and it's all my fault."

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